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Everything posted by craigb

  1. What's the difference between chopped bagpipes and chopped onions? Nobody cries over the chopped bagpipes.
  2. I hear her son will come out... tomorrow. ?
  3. Ok, we need Carol Kaye on bass... who else? ?
  4. Dang... I was really liking that until it went all Cookie Monster on me... ? Sorry, I've tried, but I just can't get used to someone puking into the microphone even if it could be argued that it's appropriate for the song. Now I'll have to go listen to an Iron Maiden song to repair the damage. ?
  5. Bill has a habit? Great. Now I have to sit here and wonder if the nun left without anything on, or if Bill stole it when she wasn't looking... ? ?
  6. Well, you've seen my posts around here, lots of bull! ?
  7. For some of us, all piano pieces are difficult. ?
  8. I'm guessing he didn't hear it start...
  9. So, after triad pairs, do you move to diode triplets?
  10. Thanks Jim! I've got to make do until I earn enough, but now I know I can bug you with some questions! ?
  11. Note that you need to have an account to download...
  12. In today's playlist: - Finished up Arcade Fire - Trying Inspiral Carpets - Then all of Flesh-Resonance's discography! ?
  13. Wow, haven't seen that one before!!! ?
  14. Way beyond me! Pretty much all of my chords can be written with a "5" after them... ?
  15. It's obvious that you have a doctor who is trying to force you into giving up becan so he can have more! Beware!!! ?
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