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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Instead of strumming, should you wipe?
  2. I got mine on sale for $12 - LOVE IT!
  3. I use this daily and on hundreds of computers. The free version is all you need. You can thank me later. Just do yourselves a favor and uncheck all boxes before you install, then go to settings and turn off all the checkboxes there too. Glary Utilities The 1-Click Maintenance is where you want to start (I check everything except the trails). Then, under the Advanced tab, you'll find a way to turn off things during boot-up that you don't need and you can delay things from starting right away to get up and running faster (any file-sync, like Google Drive, One Drive or Dropbox, is a good candidate for a delay). For spinner drives (i.e., non-SSD) you can defrag from here, and you can even defrag your registry if you've been using your computer for a long time. I've NEVER had an issue with their software!
  4. I can think of some singers that should be masked... and, preferably, duct-taped.
  5. Random interviewer: "So, do you wear boxers or briefs?" Average forum member here: "Depends."
  6. Was that being played a little quicker than normal? I think they were Russian... ( ?)
  7. Wow, the whole dang stupid movie is up on YouBoob!
  8. Anybody else ever see Saturday the 14th?
  9. There Goes Concorde Again -> There Goes Tokyo!
  10. The real question is if he got the bike to go with it! ?
  11. You didn't watch that video for Beck, didya? ?
  12. Not true! You've been known to be very corny! ? (Hmm... Ya, that must have been what he meant, he doesn't seem thorny...)
  13. I hear the Unicorn is made for single horn sounds. No? ?
  14. Exactly the kind of dark path I didn't want to go down! Ouch indeed!
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