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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Peel Endorses Noise Involving Synkrotron! (See? It's on topic for once! ? )
  2. Well I'll be, er, darned! I just found that I have Aeon! Bought back in 2017... I guess I just need the main studio albums, ya?
  3. Poor guy! Born on my birthday, (just not the same year - I'm older), yet he's been dead for almost three years! Yikes!
  4. Me likey! Is Amazon the best place to pick up a copy? Or do you guys have a band page somewhere? (I like Goth, I like guitars and, you know, I like ambient, so... ?)
  5. *Pfft...* The "older bouy" Bapu would have been over 100,000 posts by now! ?
  6. He does have a low register, doesn't he?
  7. Did any of you ever use MIDI Quest? ( Current link ) I really liked how I could rearrange all of my patches, save the entire thing, then make a new one (and save that too!). If and when I get to do it all again, I'm thinking all I need are a couple of "real" keyboards (and, maybe, a controller with lots of knobs and sliders) then a bunch of the rack-version synths or software synths. Then, using the sofware above (or some newer one), I could save the setups I come up with instead of having to hunt for "that" sound each time.
  8. Then, when played in YouTube, you can adjust the speed up and down for even more fun! ?
  9. That picture would be a 1000% more interesting if Kanye was still playing it. ?
  10. Probably the same guy that said computers wouldn't catch on or that nobody will be willing to carry their phone around with them all the time. ?
  11. Anything from Chess Records would have done, ya? ?
  12. I'm amazed at how cool she sounds. I think I would need some serious sedatives and restraint from performing bodily harm against the ones who dropped it!
  13. The second one is a perfect example of what can happen to the original when you over compress it and add too many unnecessary effects.
  14. That's not me! I have lava lamps!!!
  15. Only in the pictures released to the public. If you could see the classified images your jaw would drop! ?
  16. A friend of mine just told me yesterday that his company is developing a 256 mega-pixel camera for use in manufacturing. I couldn't help but think of how much storage just a single image will take let alone a video stream!
  17. You see, Wibbles was trying to figure out how he could make it look like he just randomly got stuck out in the storm right outside of Kylie's house (mansion? residence? castle?) so that she would let him stay there until the storm passed... ?
  18. 5.25" floppies held 160 KB originally, then things progressed (including going to double-sided) up to somewhere around 1.2 MB for double-sided, double-density. 3.5" floppies started at 720 KB for singles sided and went to 1.44 MB for double-sided. There were even some much higher density 2.88 MB disks towards the end.
  19. Before the first version of Eunuchs then, eh? ? We had zeros, but were forced to use lowercase "L's" for the ones... And, one last one for Paulo: Q: How can you tell that the programmer is a Vegan? A: He's already told you 11 times! ?
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