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Everything posted by craigb

  1. (I think I used the Psychedelic Furs' Alice's House the last time Alice Cooper was used, so I figured I'd change things up this time! ? )
  2. The Media will naturally claim it's due to COVID-19...
  3. Just another knife to play Mumbly Peg with (it's the doctor's favorite game?).
  4. I like how the guy in the background looks so jealous! ?
  5. I wanted "rock" hair soooo bad when I was young, but it never really happened (my hair tends to grow thick, not long). So, I only have my Halloween costume to look back at.
  6. Heh, a LOT more than in half unfortunately! ?
  7. I always used Sound Forge, but that was 20 years ago! ?
  8. All I can say is that, after I moved up here from Kalifornia, my grocery bill was cut in half! ??
  9. Here are my official entries!
  10. Now Bapu, there's no need to Rush things! ?
  11. Anyone else getting bizarre images regarding Dave's tattoo question? ?
  12. Note: These are not entries into this contest. This is just an assortment of "BapuShops" done by either myself or others like Strummy and Kenny, et. al. I'll ignore the one already reposted above. ?
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