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Everything posted by craigb

  1. I was just on YouTube to see a video my friend wanted me to see. It, and a LOT of copies of it, have all been censored. That is VERY disturbing and, unfortunately, too many people don't get the significance. When 90+% of all mass media is wrong and the other 10% is being censored, it should be a very big clue that everyone is being channeled down one path... You've posted that second graphic before Bob. It's VERY skewed and has agenda written all over it. I have examples of events that I SAW myself that were reported exactly the opposite by some of those in that middle section. Believing any of them are accurate (or even "more" accurate than the others) is very dangerous. I see lots of opinions and jabs posted here and elsewhere that are exactly what the programming wants (and are very wrong). Unfortunately, people take shortcuts, so I'm not sure how this is going to end. All I know is that I, personally, don't watch any news any more on TV; it's all sensationalized and incorrect. Man... Every time I look back at that chart I just cringe! If nothing else, take a good look at it from an overall perspective and realize that it's literally telling you how you should think and what sources to believe! You all have big, beautiful brains people!!! PLEASE start using them!!! Not everything is wrong and not everything is right, but at least THINK about what's being fed to you! (*Sigh...* IBTL!)
  2. According to Bapu, post count matters. ? . . . . (All I ever do is bring the video up in YouBoob, click on the "Share" button, copy the link, then simply paste it into the window. I don't add a link or anything like that, and I don't copy the URL - just the Share link. YMMV as they say! ? )
  3. Complete rubbish!!! I'm right at least 147% of the time!!! ?
  4. A couple of rocket surgeons showing why mass media should be believed. ?
  5. Where are ya man? ? A little something from "Old Order!" ?
  6. *Pfffttt...* I fully expect to see a new thread from Larry with a link to discounted TP!!! ?
  7. Coffee House style. ?
  8. Another way I've seen is to save the MAC ID along with the embedded license of the software. This would need to be kept in a database on the vendor's server (requiring you to have an internet connection to activate). By keeping the MAC ID (which uniquely identifies your device), then the 'ol new email address trick won't work.
  9. Ooo... Another approach I've seen is one where the expiration date is held in a class library (a .dll). These are the ones you see cracked a lot.
  10. Might be done with a cookie too. Install software, it adds a cookie with an trial over date in it. When you try again, it finds the cookie already exists with an expired date in it and kills the install.
  11. Sounds like the perfect time to work on being that "solo" artist! ?
  12. Well, it was humorous until they felt the need to add the misinformation into it... The mainstream media's programming is strong with a few of you! SMH...
  13. I was texting with my friend who's a nurse and he said they're managing, but most of the staff is starting to drop from exhaustion. I'm looking forward to this whole situation going away because we like to go bowling where he invites several of the hotter female nurses to join us.
  14. He looks a little old to still be in high school! (Just sayin'...?)
  15. Except that human nature compels you to want to disturb when you see that. ?
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