Key point Sparky: Keeping people in isolation will cause people's immune system to deteriorate from lack of exposure to everything outside their little areas and from less vitamin D3 (from not being outside more - yes, you can help this just by sitting - alone - in your backyard!).
What does this mean? It means we could actually see MORE sick people after the isolation ends. However, it may not be due to COVID-19, but that won't stop the main stream media from trying to say it is. Regardless of the rest, WHY are doctors being told to emphasize COVID-19 in autopsies where the death was clearly due to other reasons? (I've also heard this from a doctor friend and two nurses that are friends.) Sorry, but that just reeks of a political agenda, and that's all I'll say about that.
My landlord works as a drug dependency counselor and the number of suicides, domestic issues and drug overdoses have shot up (no pun in-ten-did ?) since the isolation started. The economic impact (which really hasn't been felt yet) will be much worse than the over-hyped fear of this virus.