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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Well, he can be quite the a-hole when he wants to be. Here's a NSFW clip of him ranting about a Japanese stewardess who accidentally spilled water on him:
  2. Simples. You just need something like I mentioned in my original reply: There's software out there that will allow you to partition your screen (MaxTo is one and Stardock has related products too). This allows you to virtually have multiple desktops (or even multiple computers) up at the same time, but with the ability to use the full screen with any of these (just a couple key strokes required). You can also divide the big monitor into smaller ones so that things stay compartmentalized in each. The idea is that you get the best of both worlds. You can virtually have dual monitors (except without the thick bezel in-between) or one big one (great for videos!).
  3. I've got a friend who's band was practicing in a studio in Los Angeles and Yngwie was in the studio next door. Even through the thick cement, supposedly sound-proof, walls he was still too loud! LOL.
  4. Another shot showing the crown molding and one of the surround sound speakers.
  5. On a bit of a related side-topic, one of the best ways to wire things up in your studio (if you can) is to shield the audio cables in flexible aluminum conduit. Then keep any electrical cable outside of this tubing. Another approach that you will hear is to make sure that your power cables cross your audio cables at a 90 degree angle. All of this is to help keep electrical interference out of your recordings and playing. In a condo I used to own, I also did this in my main living room since that had my big screen and surround sound system. If you look at the picture below, you'll (barely) see a flat piece of wood going up the room corner behind the TV which then joins with the crown molding that goes around the top corner between the walls and the ceiling. Behind the crown molding you would find the exact setup I mentioned above: Audio cables inside flexible aluminum conduit with power cables outside the conduit.
  6. Some extra notes: It takes a little time to get used to the size, but then you will not want to go back There are both apps and video card settings to change the "coolness" and brightness of the screen (including having it adjust throughout the day) You should always take time to look and focus on objects that are a long distance away (like the top of a tree a few miles away if possible) You should also learn some basic eye exercises and certain supplements help Note that I said I have my 4k monitor set to be used at 2k - this makes everything easier to see Also note that using the above recommendations I still have 20/10 vision at 56 years of age (i.e., no glasses needed)
  7. I'm the opposite. I replace two monitors with one, 40" 4k monitor (that I run at 2k) and love it! The ONLY thing some people might miss is the ability to separate things between two monitors, but this can actually be done just fine using software (that I described in another thread here) like Fences. If I find my previous post, I'll put the link here. I know I won't be going back to multiples (unless I add another large monitor! ?). Edit: Found my prior reply HERE! ?
  8. You'll only see the connection if you've seen that "other" Fred! ?
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