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Everything posted by craigb

  1. I'd have to say he looks pissed off at being called delusional! ?
  2. The OCD person living inside me can't help but notice they missed an area to fill in with blue... (the triangle between his chest and arms).
  3. deleted. undeleted to chuckle at one last time. re-deleted. ?
  4. I totally misread a couple of the words on that! LOL! Oops... ?
  5. I've got Carbonite too, but mine backs up all drives connected to the computer, so I have over 9 TB backed up. Do you have a limited plan?
  6. *Don't kill Dave's hope Craig! He doesn't need to know that CO2 levels actually rise after the temperature changes, not before, and precede a severe cooling period; possibly a new ice age...* ?
  7. I'm most impressed by the fact you have things hanging on your walls! When I (attempt to) play bass, that stuff wouldn't have a chance of staying on there! ?
  8. I'm just happy to make the top-3, but Kenny's just killing it in his pic!
  9. Ya! However, I couldn't help but think how much more fun my fantasy self is having than my real self... LOL! Good job Kenny! ??
  10. Wait... I just realized that I put my "entries" into the wrong thread!
  11. I think this quarantine has started to go too long! ?
  12. Hmm, I don't look that bad with hair (and dark hair at that)! ? But, DAMN Kenny! We need to find you a good Civil War General's pic for your headshot!
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