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Everything posted by craigb

  1. (Actually, that was pretty good Bob! ?? )
  2. By far, the funniest dictionary gaff I've ever heard came from one that everyone had at a company I worked for which, I think, WAS one from Merriam Webster! It was a generic, small, red paperback type that most offices gave to their employees back then (mid-80's). Someone told a joke which, literally, could have been this one: "How do you circumcise a shark? Four skin-divers! (Foreskin divers!)" There was a guy who's primary language wasn't English listening and he grabs the dictionary to look up one of the words. He finds one, then flips the pages to another, then flips back and looks up puzzled. Turns out, all the dictionary had as the definition for "foreskin" was "The prepuce." and all it had as the definition for "prepuce" was "The foreskin." Hilarious! With that kind of logic all you need to do is make up two words that point to each other to get into the dictionary. "Bapu" --> "Unfunny" "Unfunny" --> "Bapu" See? ?
  3. Noice! Best cover yet? (Certainly in the top 10! ?)
  4. All I can say Andy is, whatever you've been doing, keep it up! Your stuff sounds great on my systems. Right now, you're entire discography is at the top of my foobar2000 playlist of a couple of thousand songs. I always add new stuff at the bottom then keep forgetting that it loops to the top. I don't know how many I stop working and think "Ooo... Now that's nice!" only to realize the player had looped back to your stuff - lol! Ok, enough buttering up. Where's the next album Budsk? ?
  5. Have you tried "pffut" yet? Actually, what really shocks me is that "gullible" isn't in the dictionary! ?
  6. Shh!!! If you think plumbers cost too much now, can you even imagine??? ?
  7. What wouldn't be firm if she was sitting on it? ??
  8. Just keeping this topic music-related.
  9. Do you think he can help me out? I still see little bits of sound that aren't fully blue yet...
  10. Now THAT is a good looking store!
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