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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Oh man... You know it's going to happen, but you still keep hoping for it to be down the road a bit. I feel like I did when we lost a couple of the actual forum members here - Duke was one of the gang! I really like the send off you gave him Kenny! He moved on knowing how much he was appreciated (and dogs DO sense all that). RIP Duke!
  2. Pretty spot on. [I removed the rest of my reply because most of the people already programmed wouldn't get it.]
  3. The title is clickbait and not what you're thinking! ?
  4. Why do you expect one of the Ministry of Propaganda's media outlets to care about you? ? Jokes aside, I've been very critical of them for moving away from their reason for being (allowing people to upload what they want) and are now pushing so-called mainstream TV especially late-night talkshow hosts that follow the desired narrative. I'm VERY critical of them censoring like crazy too! I've got many examples I've saved. One was a video a friend mentioned that, by the time I got on to check it out, had 23 uploads of it all censored down to two seconds. Why? It showed the actual video evidence of something that was the exact opposite of what mainstream media had said. I now download anything I want to see like that as soon as I can before the auto-bots get to it. Regarding that same video, the first mention I could find on Google (who now owns YouTube), was on page 8. This was, at the time, page 1 stuff... ?
  5. The pug was trying to find a lighter to light. ?
  6. Ever wonder what Mt. Rushmore looks like from North Dakota?
  7. I started programming computers! Still can't believe it... ? (Technically I started the week between Christmas and New Years, but it's getting close!)
  8. Ah... The sounds of the neighborhood I grew up in! There were several neighbors that had either drag race cars or just muscle cars. I loved the sounds, parents hated it. ? (To explain my car would take way longer than I currently have, but let's just say I could scratch three gears and it did an 11.2 on the El Cajon drag race strip! ? )
  9. Me pork you long time?
  10. (I chose not to go where I think you were headed Ken! ?)
  11. Not sure why you care if he still has one, I'm just a little annoyed that she still has one! ??
  12. After listening to Rush, I wanted one of those sooooo much!
  13. Sorry, I'd reply, but you appear to be a robot. ?
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