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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Personally, I think those would look great in frames on my hallway walls.
  2. Wow! All true! How did you know??! (Well, except for the "Better call..." part. I've already messaged with Jim. Back when I thought I was going to have some money coming in! Oh well...)
  3. They always seem to be having so much fun too. That's the way it should be if you ask me! ?
  4. And enjoy I did! ? The lap guitar solo at the end of the Pulse live version (which was, IMHO, way better than the one he does in the above video) is the reason I bought this: Unfortunately, it turns out I wasn't David Gilmour, so I could never get it to sound like what I really wanted. Oh well! ?
  5. Wow... No kidding! That bass line is the best part of that song too. Here's another rip-off, do you hear it? I say Yes!
  6. How about some Lady Kier? Interesting trivia factoid: Herbie Hancock helped write this!
  7. "Hello? Mom?" "Yes... It's me." "Um, Craig? Your son?" "No, no... I'm not calling to ask for money, well, er, unless you're offering!" "So, are you ever going to move to a house with a basement? I'm asking for a friend..." ?
  8. Yikes! (Hey, is that the Florida penisula on the right? ?)
  9. Heh, that's certainly not me! I had to go back to phone records to get how many hours I had been on the phone with a client for a project, and discovered I'm averaging over 40 hours on the phone every month with my 91-year old Mom. This is about the same as all other phone calls for the month combined! ?
  10. Ah... To have a large enough room to build your room-within-a-room studio! In addition to that grid, you need to have the raised floor too! And a cage for the drummer... ?
  11. I once ran out of becan while making breakfast... That horrible moment made me a prepper!
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