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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Wow, you definitely won't see mid-sections like that around Portland! Oh, you'd SEE the mid-section, but only because their shirts can't contain all the blubber. ?
  2. You definitely didn't want to be around the FIRST Coffee House forum! It got so bad that it had to be shut down... The one we call the "old" forum is actually the second go-around. Unfortunately, wherever you go, there will be kids posting from their mother's basements and disgruntled 45-year old virgins who believe their (provided to them) opinions are the only ones that are valid. Perhaps they need to go listen to that rap duo Dunning & Kruger! ?
  3. For full disclosure, that's not one of those that I made.
  4. This should give you the whole album... Note that the guitarist, Michel St-Pere, is the founder of the Canadian Prog band the Mystery (the best Canadian Prog band not named Rush - lol!).
  5. Is everyone dry, alive and, hopefully, with all their possessions still intact?
  6. Missed my chance to post the Vaughn brothers (Double Trouble)! Oh well...
  7. And then there's this. Even when he tries to make a satire it still comes out sounding great compared to the smelly turds being created today.
  8. How do you know someone's a vegan? Paulo's already bludgeoned them into submission. ?
  9. Gosh Andy, I'm sorry that it looks like your logo fell into the Coffee House outhouse! I'm sure you'll get another though. ? Oh, and I thought I saw the word "modular?" That's one of those drugs for rich people, ya? ?
  10. Not everyone can afford a circus tent you clown! ?
  11. Ah, you're one of those types! ? May I suggest using a closed window next time? ?
  12. Ok, my normal replies as an IT consultant: Clean your keyboard If it's wireless, change the battery If it's not, it's probably time for a new keyboard Stop blaming innocent forums ?
  13. Sounds like you're putting your nose where it doesn't belong Paulo! ?
  14. See??? Exactly. She should take those jeans off and toss them away immediately.
  15. Is he the new Boston? (I.e., "No synthesizers used!") That first track certainly was enjoyable! I'll have to check out his others.
  16. Some people do the same thing to perfectly good, new jeans too! Dumb.
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