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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Context: Buckethead's put out 307(!) full albums since 2001. ?
  2. Buckethead has entered the chat... ???
  3. Shrooms are BY FAR the least of your worries out here! The first wave will only be dispensed at approved therapeutic clinics anyway. They have other benefits that, unsurprisingly, you won't hear from mainstream media. Here's a couple of charts I've posted before:
  4. Side note: This actually just happened on Tuesday!
  5. As long as you don't love Am the wrong way! ?
  6. Particular Emphasis Needed In Spelling.
  7. Guns = Biceps = Cordyceps = Mushrooms = Shrooms = Psychedelics = LSD = Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. Or: Beatles > Beatles ?
  8. That second one needs to be significantly longer though... ?
  9. LMAO! I'm really tired and my mind was trying to figure out that first acronym ("HIFIKLUB")! ?
  10. Maybe this guy could help everyone figure things out?
  11. Poor Bill... Losing his teeth and now someone wants to kill him??? ?
  12. Here's where it came from. (I've had this for several years.)
  13. Facebook needs a mask.
  14. "Plug-ins" Ends Needless Inane Scrolling.
  15. I'm combating this by buying more lights.
  16. She said "can't." Now, if she had said "may not," I would agree with you! ?
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