I had issues in my late teens and early 20's thanks to all the CRT monitors I was staring at as a nerd. Everything was too bright and 50 yards looked the same as 300. I ended up with a prescription for tinted windows on my car (which resulted in my being pulled over eight times until the judge had a copy of the prescription added to the info cops pull up on you before they pull you over). Fortunately, I had a really good optometrist who didn't just start the "eye wear" cycle, but told me about getting out in the sun more and gave me some focusing exercises. I've since run into programs like the 20/20 protocol that provide additional exercises, tips and what supplements to take (plus it explains how, unfortunately, the optometry industry, like medical doctors and unnecessary prescriptions, choose items that make money instead of what's helpful). My mom is 91 and currently being told to stay in her apartment, so all she does is watch TV (I'm not happy about either). They've already done Lasic on her and, each year, she gets stronger bi-focals - yet she can't see well at all with them! Makes me angry...
As a result of my routine, I'll be 57 next month and I still have 20/10 vision (was just tested again last month)! That's even better than "perfect" and something I'd love to keep!