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Everything posted by craigb

  1. This is what that monstrosity wanted to be! ?
  2. Well, I must admit I'm a bit surprised! I thought there were a few lovers of awesome Prog Rock in here (plus a few that claim to like physical media, especially when it's a limited edition and a LOT of effort was put into making the box look killer for their fans). Three albums plus a guide! Oh well... I guess instead of giving it away to someone here I'll put it up on Craigslist (Mylist? ?). Definitely YOUR (the collective "your") loss!
  3. Peter Pumpkin peter eater had a wife but only beat her? (Not sure if I remembered that correctly... ?)
  4. 1 triplet, 2 triplet, 3 triplet, 4 triplet... (Man! Since when do "I" have to do S.L.I.P.'s job for him??! ?)
  5. Just imagine being the guy getting them!!! (Sorry Ed, I took the easy setup... I'm already ashamed at myself... ?)
  6. You didn't read the topic title correctly! His pies are very potent. ?
  7. And he talks with the dead! I bet he'll try to Cash in on that! ?
  8. How about an entire album reply? Tangerine Dream - Canyon Dreams.
  9. Ok, Steve's unavailable video is called "Cold Sweat" but by who? James Brown? Hmm... Nah. It's Steve! I'll go with this choice from Church of the Cosmic Skull! ?
  10. It's a thug sport Ed. All the gentlemen play rugby! ?
  11. Since the first time I touched a computer (an HP2000 timeshare actually) way back in 1970, I've never owned an Apple computer. I've been able to afford the top-of-the-line stuff (most of the time) and old stuff continued to work for years after it had been replaced with newer things. I'm happy with those decisions. ?
  12. I didn't realize Kenny had a picture of Daryl! ?
  13. Having not watched for a few years (no TV in my office for last 4+years - used to always have a game on in the background), it seems weird to not see Man. U., Man. City and Arsenal missing from that list... Even my friend's hometown is barely making the cut (Chelsea)!
  14. Does he have any other patches to go through?
  15. Don't let being dyslexic bother you. 10 out of 3 people are!
  16. ⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ (Not.)
  17. It still boggles (Buggles??) my mind that Geoff ended up in Yes! Trevor being part of Art of Noise I can see, but Synth-Pop to one of the bands that defines Prog Rock? Wow! (And, yes, I know that Video Killed the Radio Star is the trivia answer to the question "What was the first video MTV ever played?" ?)
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