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Everything posted by craigb

  1. It's just for looks man! (Ok, color me curious too!) Did he make it for Rain? Those are definitely his colors. ?
  2. Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles walk into a bar...
  3. Just about everything except Bapu? ?
  4. I've noticed far less decent content around here lately. Did a mod get their knickers in a twist and ban S.L.I.P.? @S.L.I.P. - Found any better forums that appreciate the finer things in life?
  5. Thanks Kenny!!! Prepare for lockdown!!! ?
  6. It's been determined that these rarely work in today's world. Not enough brain wave energy... ?
  7. Heh, my best friend and I made one of those devices that use electricity to pump up your muscles (the aged among us, i.e., most of us, may remember Disneyland having a device that did this). We each held one of the handles and, when my friend's girlfriend came into the room, we each grabbed one of her arms. We didn't feel anything, but it just about blasted her a few feet back! Hehe... The smarter men around here will probably note that I did NOT do this with my girlfriend (I still liked her and wanted her to stay ? ).
  8. Wow, all Ed noticed was the keyboards and Milo? I didn't realize either was in the picture until I read his reply... ?
  9. Besides, last night was the 9th of December not the 8th! ?
  10. Me likey! I think I may just have to patronize his Bandcamp page. ? Here's something for Wednesday that's a bit more on the Blues side (though I personally think I prefer whatever you wish to call Larry's style!).
  11. Host "Hello! Welcome to the Coffee House!" User "Do you have a bar here?" Host "We do! But it's set pretty low..." ?
  12. This is exactly what happened to my friend's downstairs neighbor. I found out a couple of weeks ago that someone I knew very well was found dead of an apparent suicide... Sucks...
  13. That could mean a better chance of getting the timing right, ya? ?
  14. Oh my Cod that was bad! Very low on the scale, especially the tail-end. I can't believe I was baited into reading in, but I did it just for the halibut! ?
  15. Yep, another sad note for 2020. At least he lived a long and exciting life!
  16. Heh, there's still a LOT of people that think Bogie says "Play it again, Sam." in that movie! ?
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