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Everything posted by craigb

  1. This question is unfair to those whose stomach is so large that their hands don't touch. ?
  2. I'm actually trying to decide if I'll need to quit and, if so, where to move to. This entire area has gotten bat guano crazy including two drive-by shootings in the last few months within half-a-mile of here, one homicide half-a-mile away and another close enough that I could probably throw a golf ball to where it happened! There's sooooo much more... I'm enjoying working with the client I'm at every day, but the people in my business (we do IT consulting) have all become loony tunes. I'm just trying to decide if I'll have to sell my remaining gear to make the move... Good luck Sheens!
  3. Just wait until they hear about your post count Ed! ?
  4. Fixed! The only original member left is Doug Ingle. I went to Junior High and High School with his son, also named Doug Ingle and, for a time, he was our drummer after the one we had killed himself (one of FOUR drummers that have died from the very few bands I was in! Can you say Spinal Tap???).
  5. That was so Goofy it would make Donald Duck!
  6. My apologies. I missed the last line and thought it was a road-trip. Gear can always be replaced.
  7. Was just listening to this! Good timing. ?
  8. Good question. A better question might be "How many more guitars can I fit in my car if I don't take my wife or dog?" ?
  9. I wish more people realized that... ?
  10. Whoa! Best bass solo I've ever heard!!! ? ?
  11. In any other state that would probably be illegal! ? (Just sayin'... ? )
  12. This guy's lack of English skills is killing me! Sometimes "I" Wish "We" Were "An" Eagle??!
  13. In California it's a gerbil and dingleberries. ?
  14. I think we now have a suspect in the "Who kicked sand on the mods?" case... ?
  15. I've heard of the term where the bass player and drummer are playing in the pocket, but this is the first time I've ever see one of them knitting a pocket! ?
  16. Too bad I've already posted Blue Monday at least twice... ?
  17. When four just isn't enough you need to TAKE FIVE! ? (Well, this IS the Puns thread, ya? ? )
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