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Everything posted by craigb

  1. I call the vast majority of American canned beers "5ex on the Beach" (i.e., F***ing close to water!). ?
  2. Reminds me of when I saw Jefferson Starship outdoors in a stadium. Right in the middle of the bass solo the plug came right out of his amp and you could see a roadie running onto the stage to put it back in. But the best part was when one of the other musicians went up to the mic and declared "We swear that wasn't intentional!" ?
  3. Don't you have that same outfit Bob? ?
  4. Oh F***!!!! ? There goes my good mood for today... ? Thanks for letting us know Mrs. XX! Bill will definitely be missed! I wonder if Bill is Jamming with Bo and Jan? Good stuff here!!!
  5. craigb


    *Pfft!* Bapu probably has 29 THOUSAND plugins that he hasn't gotten around to installing! ?
  6. Well, to be fair, it's hard to play anything while dead! ? (Just sayin'...?)
  7. Damn, I'm punnier when I'm not posting! ?
  8. If I recall correctly, only the albums Chicago 782 thru 801 were created after he passed, right? ?
  9. Just t**t it up to Am! ?
  10. You still with us man? It's been too quiet lately... Hopefully, it's just a cute nurse or two keeping you distracted. Time to check in! ?
  11. I actually owned one of these (heck, it might still be in my garage!). It's a BAT keyboard that Xerox created to use with a mouse. The idea was one hand for typing and the other for the mouse. You use it by "chording" along with different thumb placement. Apparently, if you're a slow typer or a fast one, you end up around 40-45 words-per-minute using it.
  12. Way to go Greg! ?? I had a really cool mandolin for awhile which was fun to play while I was sitting and watching TV. My fingers are also too large for these too, so I simply used some basic chords. Here's a few images: Enjoy! ?
  13. "Only 128 GB of RAM?" ? ~ Alan Parsons probably. ?
  14. All of the deleted posts? ? Oh! I know! A bunch of headache medicine to help after restringing that guitar! ? (I'm figuring that CoveCamper is the winner here. ? )
  15. Dis thred's 'bout da livin' 'n' dey sed you was Ed! ?
  16. You can add a lot to that list, at least down here. Some during the switch and more from the censorship. A few pop in and do a like or similar, but it's not like it used to be! Andy (Synkrotron) James (James1213) Dave (Bitflipper) Daryl (Daryl1968) Ubiquitous Bubba James (Sharke) Beepster Pedro (Moshkiae) Reece (Beagle) Mesh - Ok, I've seen him pop in a couple of times. Danny Randy Herb (Guitarhacker) Jonbouy Yorolpal Rain Karyn Et. al. (yeah, I know I missed some *Sigh...* ? That said, I hope Bill checks back in soon!
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