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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Hey Jude, do you those people were on Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds?
  2. *Wonders what this "bacon" stuff Kenny's talking about is...* ?
  3. Postcount Enhancing Non-Important Stuff!
  4. Wham Bam Thank You Mam > Wham Bam Thank You Mam (in the lyrics).
  5. Look at the bright side Shane! The world as we know it is predicted to end soon! ??
  6. * Is reminded of Strummy's snarky comment... * ???
  7. Doc perpetuates the myth! ? (Did you make that site yourself Doc? Good job! Almost looks real! ? )
  8. Funny how that works! A good friend of mine that I met the first week after I moved from Southern California to Vancouver Washington (18 years ago) turned out to have worked in the unmarked building across the street from the unmarked building I worked in. We used to both go to the same restaurant down the street for meetings, yet we never met until we had both moved well over 1,000 miles away! Back in the 80's, I worked with a Vietnamese programmer named James who had the office next to mine and an older guy who had his office right across the hall. Turns out that during the Vietnam war, the older guy used to protect the back entrance to hospital where a handful of kids would play. Yep, one of those kids was James!
  9. Looks like you need help figuring out the best temperature. Here you go! ?
  10. Too macabre? ? Well, let's try to make 2022 a good year anyway, ya? ?
  11. *Patiently waits for Paulo's reply to this...* ?
  12. About the same as what I'd sell my custom for, ya? ?
  13. IMHO, this thread has definitely fallen down a rabbit hole! ?
  14. FACT: Yes, Christie Brinkley actually looks like this at 66! Plus she apparently is willing to go out with dopey-looking musicians, another plus! ?
  15. A good start! Do you happen to have anything I could use with my 13-string bass I call "Lucky?" ?
  16. Oh, and you can mock Billy Joel all you want, but he had this fine lady for a while! Note that she's 66(!) in this picture! ?
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