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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Just did a little bit of research. Turns out Danny was married at the time to Geri Eisenmenger and it wasn't a son sitting next to me, but his daughter Lola (born in 1979). The concert would have been their second Halloween gig in 1987. I was at the first too, but sat in the back. Interestingly, I was able to find a video of the concert! No crowd shots that I could see though... The best part was I took the girl from work named Terry that the entire office called Alice (as in Alice in Wonderland) because she had this awesome, flowing blond hair. ? Ah, memories... ?
  2. Didn't know that! I only saw them for several shows. I happened to work with a guy named Jorge who was Danny's neighbor in Malibu. They were good friends who both loved B movies even though Jorge wasn't fond of Danny's music. However, when he found out that Oingo Boingo was one of my favorite bands (and I was even a member of Steve Bartek's forum - a really nice guy!), he asked Danny for tickets. Their Halloween show was pretty famous so I was very jazzed to get free tickets to it! We were right in the front row with the so-called "mosh pit" in front of us. I was told that the lady to my left was his wife and the kid with blue hair was his, but I just looked and his son, Oliver, was born until 2005... No idea there! What a fun time!
  3. Yes. ? There's a good chance I was at that concert too! I was towards the back for most of their Irvine gigs, except for the famous Halloween show where I sat with Danny's wife and kid! ??
  4. Yet, under pressure, that lump of coal becomes a diamond.
  5. For most of today's music, news, TV shows and movies, hearing loss might be a protective measure!
  6. Get it from a Pmart. (Now, feel free to read that last word backwards if you wish! Sheesh! What kinda Doc are you anyway??? ??)
  7. All our masks were hung by the fire with care just in case Santa might need a spare! ??
  8. I sure wouldn't post most of the "on the side" recommendations I get! I guess that's why today's stood out as pretty awesome. ?
  9. I seem to recall that the some versions weren't very stable... ?
  10. I only use Adblock Plus on everything. I don't use my phone for casting though... Just pick up a cheap, used laptop - it's worth it!
  11. Well... You never really thought someone would rescue Cakewalk and give it away for free while you were still alive did you? ?
  12. No ad blockers??? Just connect a computer (old laptop, etc.) to your TV using an HDMI cable (though there are casting devices too) then using a browser to get to YouTube. Then get Adblock Plus and you won't have any commercials! I KNOW this works since it's all I do. ?
  13. I think I may listen to all of them today! ??
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