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Everything posted by craigb

  1. A S.L.I.P. approved video! ?
  2. Best line from a video Paulo linked to me a while back: Cop: "May I have your name?" Guy: "No, I'm still using it." ???
  3. It looks young. Could it be... Am??? ? ?
  4. Need a slightly larger amp? ?
  5. Well, I thought they were grate! ?
  6. After reading that part I couldn't continue. I was already laughing too hard!
  7. Until the house is bought and the kids play their music "loud enough to raise the dead!" ?
  8. Oh yeah! Be sure to try a few to see what floats your boat. I've got one pick that's big, thick and fuzzy; and another that's made of metal. I also like the heavy Herco's (the grey ones). That said, I prefer to use my fingers without a pick when possible. My goal is to not play the bass like a guitar - lol! ? Mine are similar to these:
  9. Once I saw the warning I knew I had to watch. ? I now have it saved for my next hallucinogen trip. ?
  10. LOTS of good, funny stuff in this document! ? English Lesson PDF Note that this is about Modern English, but not...
  11. He needs some Funk Fingers too! (Designed by favorite bass player - apart from Bapu naturally! ? )
  12. Good looking family you've got there Doc! ??
  13. Does she lose trousers often and is always asking about them too? Then you'd know who "where's the pants" in that family as well!
  14. Paulo exudes nomenclature intellectually sound! ?
  15. Keep an eye out for Bob? (Or keep an eye out for Bob's eye???)
  16. Guy 1 - "I even got a bass for my wife!" Guy 2 - "Nice trade!" ?
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