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Everything posted by craigb

  1. He's going to want to move to Brazil! ? Too bad this one gets cut off, I'd like to see more!
  2. While it's nice of all of you to care about Larry's absence, maybe you ought to be out making some money since you know it will all disappear upon Larry's return! ? (Although it's possible that Larry has simply taken all of the commissions he has earned from you guys and bought a tropical island to retire on... ??)
  3. Oh, plumbing! I thought it was one of the tools that doctors use on old guys. ?
  4. Just curious, but have you been using the little trick I posted? This one! 'Cause it's definitely been working for me! ?
  5. With the possible exception of loading all of Bapu's plugins... ?
  6. Unfortunately he insisted on being the one to hold the camera...
  7. Well, they certainly are making a splash, ya? Hey Pearl, put on your high hat and go for a ride! ?
  8. Shouldn't you play the back nine first??! ? (I keed, I keed! ?)
  9. I was helping a guy who had claimed to invent an anti-gravity device. Unfortunately, when he sat in the chair for the first test, the entire device took off into space and never came back!
  10. I remember this one far too well! ?
  11. Oh... *Whew!* I thought this thread was going to be NSFW! ? Good job Bob! ?
  12. Two shout-outs for some friends (that I got to be a roadie for and supply almost all the back-line to when they visited the Pacific Northwest!): One of two tribute bands they did, the other being the only Boston tribute band called Smokin'! My buddy August went on to play as Tommy Shaw in Dennis Deyoung's solo band (the whole concert is below, but I've set it so you can hear them do Blue Collar Man as a comparison!): August is a graduate of GIT (Guitar Institute Tech) college in Los Angeles and his voice is similar to Tommy's (and Brad Delp) so he always got stuck having to do the Tweet Bird singing! ? He's now moved on to an originals band called Waiting For Monday which sound really good. (And, if you look closely, you may see him use one of the guitars I sold him, a purple Music Man, which is his backup to his favorite black one. ?)
  13. Add another to the list... Billy (BA Midi) Jan (Old55) Bo (Space Cowboy) Bill (Bayou Bill) Phil (philz) ?
  14. There was a video showing the highest a private rocket had ever gone and, thanks to having a Go-Pro camera attached, people got a great view. However, the Flatards tried to use the video to show that, at that height, you could see that the Earth is flat. Below was the rebuttal I put together (you'll have to expand the image to full size for it to match the correct size):
  15. This one might take the whole house! ?
  16. That's a lot of albums full of songs in the key of A! ?
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