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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Ah, to be a young guy in Brazil...
  2. Heh, I was just listening to some Ratt!
  3. Nah, if it was then there would have to be thousands! ?
  4. Borrowed from Bapu's big fred...
  5. Studies have shown that people usually "translate" WTF and LMAO, but tend to say LOL as the three letters that make up the acronym. (YMMV! ? )
  6. Ah, good points, forgot about those! I remember watching that first one unfold in real time. Wild!
  7. *Awwww...* Considering how many I've heard that are WAAAAAY worse! ?
  8. Excellent candidates, but I still don't think it reaches the height of 100 dead in a truly horrific fashion. (Even when adding in the Who concerts where people were trampled to death!)
  9. Not sure, what are we talking about again? ? (?)
  10. *Newsflash!* "User bdickens has been identified as the Anti-Bapu! We must keep these two apart or risk total annihilation!" ?
  11. More disastrous than the Great White tragedy back in 2003???
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