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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Actually, I was on both sides of the Force there. On the Dark side, I was forced to write the code (in the Generate Recurring Charges area of your bill) that calculates all those extra surcharges you see at the bottom of the bill and can confirm that they we're ripping people off! They calculate both State and Federal taxes before their percentage is calculated on the new amount! Not nice! However, on the Light side, I'm the one who wrote the fuzzy logic that matched the billions of call records from cell tower to cell tower which eliminated almost all of the dropped calls that occurred when one side or both of the call participants were traveling. The billing system I worked for (Prism) had only a handful of states that were covered, but did include the largest cell area in the U.S., Los Angeles. The states were California, Nevada and Georgia.
  2. Tired of waiting on pwalpwal (and I want to post my reply! ? ).
  3. Well then, GO FOR IT! ? Here's the lead in:
  4. Ah! I see the problem. The forum software isn't always refreshing in a timely manner. Oh well! (I think my submission is close enough anyway. Better than trying to match Phillip Glass' Koyaanisqatsi, ya? ? )
  5. "OT" could, technically, stand for "Off Topic" too, ya? ?
  6. Can't control your pee? Urine trouble! (Yes, I recycle. ? )
  7. This is fun! I'm really enjoying just relaxing (my body got beat-up by a few days of manual labor-type work during the week), sipping some coffee, listening to Klaus Shultz's discography and reading this thread! ?
  8. No, Wibbles has gone off to have becan. ?
  9. Dang! You removed the Simon & G entry that showed the Parsley, Sage, Rosemary & Thyme so now my "four seasonings" reference no longer works! ?
  10. Maybe we need a new thread: Song Disassociation Game??? ?
  11. The four seasonings > The Four Seasons
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