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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Which park is that? It looks nicer than the ones I've seen (or been to with my friend's dog).
  2. Cancer is too warm, I prefer temperatures in the Gemini range... (Anyone who's had to use these labels for astronomy will get this one!)
  3. I always remember an over-the-line softball team called the Nads. Their wives dressed up as cheerleaders and would yell "Go Nads! Go Nads!" ?
  4. Sorry, but 60 (my age next year!) is too soon for "natural causes!" ? (Just by coincidence, I've been listening to the Depeche Mode discography over the last week...)
  5. I really liked this one too, though they probably didn't need some of the trash humor. Oh, and I will never understand why anyone would want to fast-forward while having s ex with Kate Beckinsale!
  6. Well, seeing as this is the area my PhD work is in, YES, it does! I've worked with a few of the so-called pioneers in the brain-mind field and have a LOT of audio! I kept telling myself I was going to make some of my own audio, but never got around to it... Oh well.
  7. What is this Gooage you're talkin' 'bout? ? ?
  8. More like the scratch your head category! What the heck??!
  9. If banks really understood numbers, then why are there eight windows but only two tellers??? ?
  10. So, the goal is to become unwired, ya? ?
  11. How can you tell a politician is lying? Their lips are moving! ?
  12. craigb

    20 +

    Hmm... Good point! Might be a life sentence, ya? ?
  13. craigb

    20 +

    He's off working on his next 20-year sentence. ?
  14. From the forum header: We, being "normal-ish" humans have enough trouble following that! ?
  15. Occasionally the moderators forget this is a Coffee House. Besides, this is now 1984 so others will tell you what you should be thinking!
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