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Everything posted by craigb

  1. I've always thought he was from a different planet. Heard a great interview many years ago where he basically grew up with a guitar that became an extension of his hands. Sure sounds like it! The first time I heard Waves I was blown away.
  2. Was just wondering that too. I sent him a PM with a music channel a few days ago, but haven't heard from him since! Holiday hopefully.
  3. Since Halloween is coming next month, I stopped in at a costume shop while I was visiting England. A nice lass came out from the back room and asked what I was looking for. After I told her she said "We don't carry that sh!te here, but they do." while pointing to a sports apparel shop across the street that featured a Liverpool kit in the window. To this I replied "Sorry, you misunderstood. I want to look like a Count!" ?
  4. Considering how much effort I put into making this parody (I literally changed everything on an old computer, then took a screenshot), I'll throw this in here: And, it's OK if Bob occasionally gets threads and folders confused. I've heard that something happens as we get older, but I forgot what that was... ??
  5. The Journey discography is on for today (holiday smoliday; I'm programming!). I only thought about them because I had a weird dream during a nap yesterday where I was handed a guitar and told I had to play as Neal Schon for a Journey gig! Needless to say, there was a good deal of panic since I doubt I've ever played more than one or two of their songs (poorly) ever! ? Holy Schnikey! I completely forgot just how good their first album was! And how it doesn't sound like their later (and more commercial) stuff.
  6. Launch delayed until 9/18. Presumably, they haven't been able to determine if all the current moon inhabitants have had all their jabs yet... ?
  7. To make the thread "musical" (the apparent requirement):
  8. Didn't realize people mic'ed bass cabs! I thought it was all DI now.
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