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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Wait... He's having another birthday??! Didn't we just do this last year? ? Have a great day Ed! ?? Oh yeah, and I might as well recycle this! ?
  2. Ironically, I just met a Craig Wilson who moved up here from Alhambra with his girlfriend.
  3. I used to have horrible acid reflux that usually occurred in the middle of the night (which made it that much more fun!). I am VERY appreciative to not have that happening any more! All of it due to a splash of ACV in a cup of water once a day. ?
  4. Interestingly, I just read something that says only 8% of humans currently live past 65! Wow... ?
  5. No, to be fair, he did say "never say never" not "it twice." ?
  6. Despite what advertisers and Big Pharma would like you to think, antacids are really bad for you. Ever since I learned to take a small amount (about a tablespoon) of Apple Cider Vinegar (the good stuff with the "Mother" - like Bragg's) in a cup of water with my meal of the day I haven't had acid reflux since! The issue isn't that you have too much acid, it's that you don't have enough so the food isn't getting digested quickly enough and sticks around. Of course, there's the other possibility that you're simply eating too much as well! I'm now down to only one meal a day. I also fast one day every week and do a longer fast (3+ days) once a month. HUGE improvements in all health areas!
  7. Well, the human body is currently designed to last 120 years max, so that would make middle-age 60, ya? ?
  8. Haven't had one of those since... Saturday! ?
  9. You should have guessed by now that I'm an end-result guy. If I like something, I like it! Even if it was created by squirrels running over pads that are triggering an AI to create sounds. ? (That approach would probably still be far better than anything Kanye's attempted! ?)
  10. Ok then... Q: "So, what instrument do you play in the band?" A: "A turntable!" "Oh..." ?
  11. Q: "So, what's your position in the band?" A: "DJ!" "Oh..." ?
  12. Wait... You can't you say di ldo here? ? Anyway... Someday I'd love to watch your band perform Dave! Sure, you're about 160 miles North of me down here in Vantucky, but I'm now meeting people from the Seattle area and, once I start getting paid again, might take a road-trip up there. Does your band have a website with a gig schedule?
  13. TBH, if that was my full name, I'd rock the whole dang thing! ??
  14. LMAO! Kind of like the "impression" a hammer makes on your face, right? ?
  15. Couldn't help but be reminded of this! ?
  16. Ooo... This should be a fun one for someone to come up with an association to! ?
  17. In the old days "flipping a bit" was far more important! For those of you that don't program, computers have things called registers which hold temporary values in memory. Back in the day, these were very tiny. I started when they were only one byte, or eight bits (two nibbles?) in size! A TB (a terabyte), which is a common number thrown out there nowadays (usually for disk space), is an absolutely huge number in comparison that holds 8,000,000,000,000 bits! My current home/work computer has an 1/8th of a TB just for memory (128 GB, or one TRILLION bits!). We had to know all sorts of creative ways to use those registers that involved moving them all left and right, flipping all of them to their opposite value, etc. Assembler would have commands like MOV(), PUSH() and POP(). The push and pop commands are the ones that put things onto the stack of registers (push) or took them off (pop). I've coded on two really old computers that only had 1k of memory (i.e., 1,024 bits!). These were the Timex Sinclair and the Pet computers. You literally couldn't put some of Bapu's thread titles into that much memory since they could only hold 128 characters! Another term I always liked was "bitbanging." Oh, and here's some news in my world! It looks like I've FINALLY found some work! I'm going to be joining another long-time programmer (who's 66) and doing Filemaker projects. Although Filemaker has been around since the late 1980's (1987 I believe), it's one of the few languages I had never used since it primarily targets at Apple computers (the only Apple I've ever coded for was the Apple II way back in 1977!). It's been upgraded over the years and I can now use it with Windows (though they still give Android devices the finger). It took me exactly four days to get up to speed on Filemaker and I've already created a fully functional app that is going to a client. Sure, it's not too extensive, but it's got all the GUI polish and correct best practices behind the scenes of a marketable app. I'm very surprised at how easy it is! Of course, that said, if you want to go outside of what it provides easily, you can spend a good bit of time creating custom scripts! I'm just very happy that it looks like I'll have some income coming in again! I'm also loving the fact that I'm back to getting paid for doing something I enjoy. I actually got so into my zone that I worked all night Thursday to Friday without even realizing it! In fact, as soon as I finish checking out other new posts here, I'm off to watch some more tutorials (at 1.75x speed) just to absorb more of what Filemaker can do. ?
  18. I can see why things have worked for you for so long! You don't have to deal with a drummer or bass player! ???
  19. Yep. The only TV I watch is when I join my roommate when he wants someone to watch a football or college basketball game with. Left to myself, the only videos I watch are on my computer (but I have a 40" 4k monitor, so they look good!). I never go out to the TV room by myself.
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