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Everything posted by craigb

  1. I always pronounce it as "Ewww!" ?
  2. Won't matter once the power grid is turned off in the near future anyway.
  3. Brings back memories (torture recall?) of spending hours trying to figure out how someone got the tone they did.
  4. Sisters of Mercy - Dominion / Mother Russia
  5. I can't verify the effectiveness of any of these documents, but I appended a few together into this .pdf: https://www.nwdreamer.com/download/Various Documents on Tinnitus.pdf
  6. Nope! Still not going to post Sister Sludge! ? Night Ranger - Sister Christian
  7. Just got home... Check this out: https://soundsory.com/samonas-sound-therapy/ Then try it out (I have TONS of this type of stuff and this one comes from the 1980's): https://www.nwdreamer.com/download/Samonas I.RAR When I get the chance, I'll see what more I can find but I know there are also supplement-deficiencies that are behind tinnitus as well.
  8. Actually, I NEVER believe "there's nothing you can do" about any medical issue. That said, I know there are ways to address tinnitus, so I'll go see what I can find a bit later (I've got to scoot to a 6pm meeting).
  9. This would cost them 5,000 pounds and all their gear in my other thread! ?
  10. Oh, no! This is a brilliant marketing ploy! "When will we have a DAW with all the features we want?" Answer: "That's coming Next!" It's kind of like "Free Beer Tomorrow!" It's never free TODAY. ?
  11. Another one! (FYI - He passed away four days ago on June 4th at the age of 73...)
  12. I always crack up when I see people with a portable A/C unit in a room, but the exhaust tube isn't being used! ? (In other words, it's literally taking the heat from in front of the unit and pumping it right out the back and into the same room!)
  13. This is all well and good, but will Next be able to operate a DJ turntable??? ?
  14. I hear that Bandlab has settled on what they feel is the MOST profitable approach: Having Larry sell Cakewalk as a plugin. ???
  15. Yikes! Mine definitely didn't have that issue! If anything, my room tends to stay too dry sometimes.
  16. Did you hear about the guy who lost his entire left side??? ? He's all right now. ?
  17. Nice of you to finally join the discussion Nigel! ?
  18. Wait... NOW you're telling us we don't have to buy everything we see here??! ? ?
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