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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Good boy! ☺️ (Now if he could only train the owners!!! ? )
  2. To heck with picking a favorite! I like 'em both! ? Here's a cover I've seen a few times.
  3. Greta says to avoid using this pedal!!!
  4. Reminds me of this: There are three kinds of people in the world: Those who can count and those who can't! ?
  5. Are you implying being intoxicated during the questioning or while in school? ? ?
  6. I saw five band members... Should we start a pole to let people guess which two were playing the same stuff? ?
  7. ? ? *Wonders if he might have missed an "r" in there...* ?
  8. Or, guess what Beatles song they were attempting to record by the screeching of Yoko in the background! ?
  9. Well, the Atari "I" had was their gaming system back in 1977, but you couldn't program that... That said, I still feel I could have produced something more enjoyable with those 384 nibbles than Kanye ever did! ? ?
  10. For those that can't see Leizer's video...
  11. Slide play isn't always as easy as it should be! ?
  12. I mean, really? Hard to run ANYTHING on 1 KB(!) of RAM, ya? ? I actually used one back in the day... Had to be 1982 or earlier! I was able to create music with it as well! (As long as it was a song that consisted of just the <ctrl>G beep... ?)
  13. Made into one of my favorite trance songs! Lost Witness - Did I Dream (Song To The Siren) (Fabel Mix)
  14. *Pfft!!!* Why do you think I *already* posted this in that other cover thread??! SMH... ?
  15. I showed my friend the ladder in my garage. I told him it was my step-ladder; I never knew my real ladder. My friend blocked me on Facebook because I use too many bird puns. Toucan play this game! I’m not a fan of elevator music. It’s bad on so many levels. My boss asked me why I only get sick on weekdays. I said “I don’t know, maybe it’s my weekend immune system”. My girlfriend complains I never buy her flowers. To be honest I never knew she sold flowers. I made a graph of all my past relationships. There was an “EX” axis and a “WHY” axis. I have two dogs named Rolex and Timex – they’re watch dogs. Yesterday I opened my water bill and electric bill at the same time; I was shocked! I used to work at a Pepsi Cola plant, but I left because it was soda pressing. I lost my girlfriend’s audio book, now I’m never going to hear the end of it.
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