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John Vere

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Everything posted by John Vere

  1. A quick look shows it’s Zoom, Focusrite and Motu all have Loopback. Zoom AMS24 is the least expensive and I can say I’m super pleased with mine. Next is the Focusrite Solo but they really suck at features compared to others in same price range. Then more expensive is the Motu M2 which I have the M4 so pretty good all round interfaces. I don’t know why people recommend Focusrite as when you look at what you get they are at the bottom of the check lists.
  2. I make all my tutorials with it. Started out 4 years ago fighting the audio issues. Please don’t use weird 3rd party ASIO drivers or sound management apps like voice meter and banana. That’s a rabbit hole that the Cows pooped in. And you don’t need to set up anything to do with streaming. Ignore that. The real solution is an audio interface with Loopback. Nothing else other than using a little mixer to create a physical Loopback works. This allows you to run Cakewalk in ASIO mode. In OBS audio make sure it is set up to use your ASIO interface and also use nothing but 48 sample rate for everything. Interfaces with Loopback show as input options in the audio settings. In my case I use Motu Loopback Mix. I use Foobar to play my narration and then I can play from Cakewalk at same time. You can set up a few channels in OBS but I just use the one that basically captures everything from the interfaces outputs. I just turn down Cakewalk master bus to balance the mix. I rarely use live mike because I suck at that too many duhs and hmmms. But my mike is also available this way. I actually need to remember to mute it. So if your interface doesn’t have Loopback start shopping. I made a video about 2x2 interfaces and made a feature list were the ones that have Loopback show. I’ll go have a look.
  3. I’m not sure why you had that happen. I just redid a computer and part of it was installing my copy of WaveLab and Cubase. I was aware what would happen so first thing I did was open the Reg Edit app and deleted the Steinberg driver. I had already installed my Motu driver and that is what both Windows and all my music apps were using. I do believe there’s a big reason for why we are instructed to delete these invasive drivers in the Reg edit app. Uninstalling leaves to much behind. The process is very straight forward. Other invasive driver’s include Magix and even PreSonus has a generic driver. I’m not sure if it has both proper ASIO drivers and the generic one. Seems there was a thread just last week with someone having issues and so they ended up purchasing something else. In most reviews they rate pretty low due to the quality of the pre amps. Here’s that other thread
  4. Without GM format midi files would playback out of control gibberish. People who never use pre made midi files will most certainly not miss the TTS-1. It was very convenient and powerful as far as GM multi channel synths went. But pretty lame sounding as far as instruments go. For me it will probably be around until I’m over 80 years old because that how long I expect my new computer to last.
  5. I only ever used the TTS-1 to preview midi files. You can still do this in Media player or WinAmp using the MS wavetable. Cakewalk just removed the MS wavetable synth back in the Fall in the original “last update “. Apparently a lot of people were using it judging by the angry posts made. Now goodbye TTS-1. The only people affected right now would be the very rare person who just installed Cakewalk who actually pre views midi files. But you then realize how many Cakewalk users were using the TTS-1 totally unaware there’s a much better world out there of better synths. I wonder what the default will be in Sonar?
  6. It is an invasive driver installed with Steinberg products. The only way to get rid of it is in the RegEdit App. Local machine/software/ASIO. Delete all but your Presonus driver .
  7. Please study the dialogue. Everything is right there. Don’t just use the default. You have to change to what Glenn shows in his screen shot if you use the old system or in the New Dialogue it clearly gives you options for how many tracks and stereo or mono. Both dialogues work they just look different and I feel the new one is easier to understand. The old dialogue shows when you use the synth rack or drag and drop from the browser. It has a box ask every time see Glenn’s screen shot look lower left. If that box is not checked it will insert a default set up.
  8. It’s really only bad news for people who only have CbB. The rest of us will simply install any old version of Sonar. My example is I have Home Studio from 2015. I understood that you could only obtain Roland VST instruments by subscription to the Roland Cloud. I have a real Sound Canvas as well as a Korg 05R/W. I also have Cubase and then Band in Za Box. I see it’s GM player shows in Cakewalk as a plug in. I think it’s DX too. Apparently there’s a way to get Steinbergs Halion into Cakewalk.
  9. It’s all clearly explained in the release notes that spear as well as I think the new Cakewalk Product Center has the information built in.
  10. Actually that’s the old system. Use the Plus symbol ➕ add tracks found at the top of the track pane. There it’s very straight forward to choose multiple track outputs. Use the advanced tab.
  11. I just saw this posted in the announcement regarding the last release. Quote: “The TTS-1 synth is no longer installed by Cakewalk, by request from Roland. This product is no longer supported and has reached end of life. Older installed versions may continue to work but it is no longer a default for insert instrument.” Unquote But I would imagine we will still have access to it if it was already installed. I guess it will not be installed with upcoming Sonar. I wonder if Sonar will include the same Generic boring instruments as Cakewalk Next? I noticed in Next that GM midi files open with very few appropriate instruments assigned to the tracks. I think there’s only a few common instruments. So GM midi files will end up with a lot of piano substitutes as tracks instead of wind instruments and what not. I can see Roland requested the removal of the TTS-1 as they are one of the few developers that make a GM player still. We will all be fine until down the road when you rebuild a new system then you will be faced with life with out a free GM player. update March 23 2024- I’ll post the links to the 2 videos I produced on this topic so people don’t have to go digging through this long thread: No TTS-1 No Problem- https://youtu.be/kF3tEttGdIQ?si=ww5yU8Wesi0ejmBz Goodbye TTS-1 : https://youtu.be/Zw-UqrMmF0A?si=Y3lSjXwjR61elW-p
  12. And that Ripple Edit is still on before you do any copy paste if!! It should blink when on!
  13. Go into Device manager and see what it says there. Should be under Game Controller etc. Open the tab ( properties?) and see what the driver tab says. Generally If the manufacturer doesn’t have a Midi driver then Windows uses its generic midi driver. Make sure it says as such. Then generally Cakewalk recognizes that driver and will list it in Preferences/ Midi/Devices. If it isn’t listed myself I’d get my money back as it is sort of par for the course with this type of consumer devices. I just saw a nice small 21 ? note M Audio keyboard I was tempted to buy for both travel and to use at gigs for playing simple little parts live while still holding my guitar. I think wanting 88 keys is sort of out of the question for small and portable.
  14. First only old 32 bit plug ins are in the x86 pathway. So no point in having Cakewalk scan those. There’s 4 ? common pathways used by most. The default Cakewalk folders as well as the Program File/ VST and the Steinberg folders. I only have a few 32 bit plug ins I kept due to older projects and I moved those to the Program Files (64bit) VST folder.
  15. Funny I put the Lexicon reverb in retirement a few years ago thinking it was old and defunct. I’ve been using a few others like the Acon Verberate. I just loaded an older project which used the Lexicon and realized how much better it sounds to me. So it’s back and getting used again.
  16. I don’t think they had invented the “Mall Organ” yet. The Combo Organs were an attempt to make a B3 more portable just like Electric Pianos. They were packed full of good old analog tech. They were not exactly lite. Lacking the B3 Leslie cabinet they used Vibrato. They of course didn’t come that close to a real Hammond just like the electric piano’s didn’t come at all close to a acoustic piano. But their funky sound was part of the 60’s and 70’s. Electric piano stayed with us but Combo organs were replaced with synths. I don’t think actual drum machines came out until Roland’s Compu Rhythm CR78 (in the late 70’s. I did a couple of gigs with one in the early 80’s until the TR 505 came out. https://www.roland.com/us/promos/roland_tr-808/#:~:text=Launched in 1978%2C the CompuRhythm,that created and stored patterns.
  17. So you are saying that these spikes are recorded and appear in the middle of audio phrases like a word in a vocal? We can help you sort this out but you need to give a little more feedback as well as trying to stay involved in your post. You asked 2 questions and given some solutions to try? Did you?
  18. I had a similar problem and I’m very good about rendering. There’s this little microscopic RX in the upper right corner of any clips that are not rendered yet. It took some hunting but I found this one note of the guitar track above the one I had corrected. I guess it got selected too. But I didn’t render it. And because my new version can work on multiple tracks it wasn’t noticeable. I was just wondering why it didn’t show in the editor? I haven’t tried working on two tracks yet. I want to watch the videos first. It’s too bad Melodyne doesn’t warn you that you have unrendered files open when you close a project.
  19. Don’t remind me. I have 8 fruit trees that will need stem separation soon.
  20. Was interesting to re read and see from my perspective how much changed since November. You see me speculating about using this tool to create backing tracks which is exactly what I’ve done for about 6 songs now. Also the more you dig the more it seems they all use the same code made by Deezer. And seems that’s exactly what they have done in Cakewalk Next. When you choose the track and then “Separate into Stems” it asks for permission to upload to the server. I was thinking it was Bandlabs server but now I see it’s Deezer. So they just added the free code it seems is available to all developers. So far converting the bass into midi has been the biggest success. It’s pretty cool to use the original bass line. They do things I would not have thought about. Then looking under the microscope of midi notes and timing you can now see what you were hearing and couldn’t quite copy. Drums I have only managed to use the original audio on 2 songs. The others it sucked due to the phasing. I managed to extract the kick with drum replacer from 3 and the snare from 1 . But what is cool is to replace the drums and keyboard/ horns/ steel drums while playing along with the original tracks. This results in a more accurate reproduction and if you put in the time, it’s almost possible to achieve a very close version of those parts in the tracks. A whole new approach to midi editing. So it would save a little more time if you could extract down a little deeper on the “Other” track
  21. Yes a wonderful hidden button! I only discovered it 2 years ago. Get out your magnifying glass.
  22. Ha! I remember that guy. I felt sorry for him as he might have been the first victim of Google translate. Anyhow it wasn’t Sonar’s fault because no one else could crash their speakers. Actually since last spring I feel the NuB count is way down as nobody really recommending it anymore.
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