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Everything posted by MusicMan

  1. Duplicate post due to: An error occurred (500 Error) We're sorry, but a temporary technical error has occurred which means we cannot display this site right now. Too many connections You can try again by clicking the button below, or try again later. Try again
  2. That's a shame.. no VST3 makes them a non starter for me.
  3. I think the sale price should be the norm and wouldn't surprise me if they at least heavily revise their RRP in future. Their RRP was over the top for what it was and I'd be amazed if they sold a lot at that price. I wouldn't be in any hurry to jump at this sale price unless someone really needs it, as I'd be amazed if it doesn't end up lower in future sales.
  4. How long between successive purchases did you wait? I believe for their systems it was advised to wait an hour, or four hours or something from memory, otherwise it doesn't recognise them as two seperate orders.
  5. Bring out your dead... This freebie has done too many rounds.. no incentive at all to buy a product to get it! It's an OK freebie though and still thanks for sharing
  6. Any word on new Zebra release date yet? I had been thinking about that one.. Zebra 2 / Legacy is a good price (and product), but I'm intrigued to see the next version.
  7. I bought most (all?) of my u-he during one of the regular NI sales of them and then the pricing mistake NI sale where they made almost everything 60% off by mistake! That was up there with some of my speediest purchases to date too ?
  8. I do love Diva, but that is a really bad sale offer.. ?
  9. That's handy to know. The downloads aren't small! I don't mind if they're worthwhile, but if they're not then happy to skip them. PowerStrings is now installed
  10. That's what I bought. I still haven't downloaded all the drums yet though (Studio2008 - 2018) and DrumEmpire2020 and I thought I had already just installed it, but I just scrolled down in their downloader and found I haven't installed PowerStrings yet apparently! ?
  11. It doesn't necessarily need to be better than those ones, just on par so that it's worth the time cycling through them when I'm looking for the best fit. If I always choose one of the others then it's not much use. But if it's very CPU efficient then it might still be an option for limiting tracks, or busses. Depending on the latency. I currently use DMG TrackLimit for that which is great, but not always the right fit. I hadn't been thinking about individual tracks. Sounds like it's worth giving it a demo. I prefer dynamics in general too. But some genres call for it and with others you just need to get it into the same ballpark for it to sit well. It would be much better if the loudness wars were actually over across the board.
  12. Thanks Erik! Out of curiosity, what other limiters are in your kit that you like as well these days? And I was reading a comment by you a while back where I think you mentioned that MDynamics covers all of this as well, although not as tailored specifically to Limiting. I checked out their page and they only seem to mention the safety limiter for that one. Does the MDynamics cover all the dynamics needs and this is just more convenient, or has that changed?
  13. Hit download on MeldwayGrand before going to bed and have just been checking it out.. that's pretty mmmmmmm ? I haven't even made it through hardly any of the presets, but already found some very nice and useable ones!
  14. Are you sure? When I tried, the individual prices for each remaining synth in the cart went up.
  15. Does anyone use MLimiterX and can recommend it? I already have Elevate, Pro-L2, TDR and a few others. I don't mind having a selection as different source material sometimes works with one limiter more than another. But I would want it to be in that same kind of level, otherwise there's no point buying (even though it's cheap!) Same with MUltraMaximizer. Does anyone ever use this over their alternatives?
  16. Hi Dan, would you mind confirming if the Taster pack is royalty free please? Thanks
  17. There are as least as many sales at Waves as the sun rises, so there's never any hurry. While the Waves bundle has more plugins, the UA bundle for $99 or less with voucher, or at resellers, outclasses the Waves equivalents in their bundle in every case. In 2 or 3 years time, you're much more likely to still be using these UA ones and will likely end up buying them anyway if you buy Waves first so getting UA first would make more sense. https://www.uaudio.com/uad-plugins/plug-in-bundles/uad-producer-edition.html The Signature Bundle from UA is even better, but Producer is closer in price to what you were looking at.
  18. Song Athletics: OSS (One Shot Sampler) Free for 24 Hours, then new price of €10 OSS, or One Shot Sampler, is a standalone plugin designed to help you find the joy in your one shot collection. It allows you to access and trigger your samples quickly and easily. Locate your samples, write a melody or hold a chord, and scan through your one shots, like presets on a synth. Oh, and for a bit more joy, you can change the background image and the colour scheme to whatever you like. Includes a demo pack of one shots and background images. TECHNICAL INFORMATION VST3/AU Runs on Windows 10/11 and MacOS 10.11 (or later) Supports Intel Macs Download size: 225 MB uncompressed (includes one shot and background demo folders) Engineered by John Howes aka Cong Burn https://songathletics.com/products/oss
  19. This should be obvious too really just from watching the recent years. The hobbyist market is huge and growing and a lot of players are trying to get a bigger slice of it, or trying to get into it and capitalize. That's not to say they don't make a packet from pro studios etc, but any business that chooses to neglect such a huge market sector like hobbyist, would be leaving a lot of money on the table and it certainly doesn't make for the best business sense.
  20. Well said. Melda is definitely up there with the best of them when it comes to free updates. To give you free updates for life and free instruments / plugins when they release them with some of their bundles, or instruments destroys Waves on long term value.
  21. Just yammering on But it really doesn't take Einstein to see their market share has taken a massive hit from where it was say 20 years ago. Waves used to be the big dog and could charge what they want. Plugin Alliance who have fallen out of popularity now a touch, significantly displaced them and pros and hobbyist alike flocked to them in droves. UA dropping to Waves like prices has further cast them aside. Even Softube has shown signs of competing on price with some of their recent sales and bundles. These are all considered to be a tier above Waves. Even if at worst, you consider them on par, they're in the same market segment for customers now. Let alone the plethora of brilliant new developers that have products that are modern, innovative and better quality. I dare say if it wasn't for Waves other licensing and income streams apart from plugins, they would be feeling the pinch even more. To make a play to drop sales altogether and cease WUP and try and go subscription only, could very well be a reflection of feeling that pinch. In terms of meaningless, even if it helps one person avoid the Waves / WUP trap then it has all the meaning I need On your flipside, I see where you're going with that, but not really great examples at all unfortunately. Updates to iZotope you're referring to are major version updates. Even they will keep providing compatibly updates and enhancements for many years later, for free, no update plan required. You're also referring to major version updates with Fabfilter. They also keep providing updates many years later from what I've seen. I don't know how far back, because mine are current. That would require buying the same Waves plugin to get updates multiple years and work out the same, or paying WUP if someone really wanted to get every update. But there are so many great alternatives that provide free updates forever and some even major versions for free: Acustica Audio, Arturia, Eventide, Kazrog, Kilohearts, Melda, Overloud, PSP, Softube, SSL, TDR, u-he, UA, etc, etc Everyone has this mindset they can just keep paying WUP, or rebuying the plugins. Let's not forget it was only about a year ago, they went subscription only, no more WUP, no more buying. Banking on a company to hold course and also to keep the cap at $240 a year for WUP when they've already shown their hand sounds pretty shaky to me. Unless like you said, you love subscription only and then it won't matter, but that's not the case for a lot of people.
  22. Some of those are very easy to reach black and white numbers. The one I think isn't and yet is probably the most important and telling, is how many sales are lost due to their scheme. I actually like some of their plugins and might buy them if they scrapped WUP altogether and changed their ways. Although after that subscription only debacle, even if they did now though, I'd still be very cautious and hesitant. I get income streams look great for them and of course WUP paints one picture on the books, but there would also likely be a point where dropping WUP would drive more sales, newer customers and then potentially allow them a net boost overall. Even if they broke even and they cancelled each other, the brand would gain such a reputation boost and potentially get back some of the shine it once had. They really need a new CEO at this point, or be taken over. The way they're sticking to these old ways is reminiscent of the old video stores who never adapted to streaming and went bust as a result. They should always be evaluating whether their current approach makes sense. Business shouldn't be set and forget normally if they want longevity. It's a competitive market with SO many great options. If they want a piece they need to compete.
  23. The WUP scheme exists because people keep paying it. It's similar to ransoms. If people keep paying, the perpetrators keep on doing it. If enough people boycott WUP and Waves altogether and their plugins, sooner or later they should realise just how damaging it is for their brand reputation and with sales of WUP tanking it would make more sense to drop it. Although unfortunately their marketing and tactics do exploit people just getting into buying plugins, which makes it harder. Like Peter said earlier, that's where its good to make their scheme known to starters before they fall for it. I really dislike venture capitalists, but Waves are one case where a VC could actually be better than than it is now! I'd actually be happy if Soundwise took them over ?
  24. I passed on Sylenth for ages until it had a decent drop in price. The rent to own deals are very popular with people like that with some of these synths. If / when it all pans out you should be getting Serum 2 for free if they stick to their word which could be an amazing synth! Although you could've got Massive for less, $40 is a great price for it and worth it any day of the week ?
  25. I wouldn't personally, but apart from Serum which was never discounted (apart from one or twice where a discount slipped through with resellers) I don't think I've ever paid full price for a synth. If I have it must be pretty rare!
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