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Everything posted by MusicMan

  1. Seems to be a trend currently with a lot of new plugins being a lot more expensive.. I guess they thought they should add to the cost of living increases! These guys are now on my ignore list for all their plugins, even if they do cheaper ones. Too many brilliant and well priced other developers.
  2. If the free version opened my existing T-Racks plugins, of which I have the vast majority, then I would install 6. Then I might even test some of the new plugins and then who knows, one might inspire me to buy one of the paid bundles. But seeing how they don't, I'll pass on 6 entirely for now and not bother trying the new ones at all, or cluttering my system with the new suite. Considering how many T-Racks5 I own, the upgrade isn't really that appealing (for me). A Group Buy could be around the corner, Black Friday is around the corner, Total Studio 5 could be around the corner. As Starship mentioned, V5 works fine. Easy pass for now 🙂
  3. LoopCloud: Arturia Tape Delay 201 free with subscription for September https://www.arturia.com/products/software-effects/delay-tape201/overview Loopcloud https://www.loopcloud.com/cloud/subscriptions/annual_plans
  4. iZotope is terrible for all this as well.. another reason why they're such a great fit with NI and that's not something they should be proud of... If I could just purchase a new version of Ozone, RX, whatever and have it open old sessions the upgrades might be more appealing. I couldn't be bothered updating to their latest versions for that reason alone. Plus, they often force you to install VST2 and AAX with some of theirs and so then I need multiple major versions of software installed along with corresponding VST2, AAX, etc for each one that I'll never use.. wastes plugin scan times in multiple DAWs and actually some of those formats have caused errors when scanning all plugins. Epic fail on both NI and iZotope and a great example of how not to be as a developer.
  5. Are you sure it's not just a phase you're going through? 🤣 I had a look via Music Software Deals site for you and I couldn't see anything crazy cheap when I sorted. But sometimes there might be something pop up during the month.
  6. W. A. Production Screamo (Free With Purchase @ AudioDeluxe) https://www.audiodeluxe.com/products/audio-plugins/w-production-screamo
  7. NoiseAsh Action Phaser (Free With Purchase @ ADSR Sounds) (RRP $90.00) Action Phaser - By NoiseAsh Stereo Phase Modulation Processor Action Phaser is a stereo phase modulation effect processor with an advanced modulation system that pushes your limit to the highest possible levels. https://www.adsrsounds.com/product/software/noiseash-action-phaser-phase-modulation-processor/
  8. it is always possible that they themselves have been infected by a virus and scanning with Virus Total is really useful and something I often do. Especially as sometimes on here there are new developers I don't know much about, but might want to test their stuff out. It's not uncommon to see a detection or two on VirusTotal. These will generally be false posititves if it's so limited. What Erik mentioend is spot on. It's always the balance between being too aggresive and keeping you safe, or the scanner being too relaxed and letting something malicious slip through. They almost always err on the overcautious side. I did scan the installer the other day and noticed that detection too. It appeared to be an AI scanner from memory. That probably adds another layer of potential to get things wrong as well. Just like in the pictures AI creates with hands that have seven fingers on them, AI sometimes gets things a little wrong too! I installed the update even after seeing what I'm 99.99999% certain is a false positive. Often if you scan a little while later the companies have realised it's not malicoius and it will pass. Some you can even just upload to them to review.
  9. That sounds like a simple question, but it really depends on what function it's needed for at the time! Some general ones that come to mind for a few different use cases: Deep settings / swiss army knife compressors TDR Kotelnikov GE or Klanghelm DC8C advanced compressor. These cover so much they can replace allmost everything if you add a saturation plugin and EQ. SSL style buss compressors Plugin Alliance Townhouse compressor (I always turn the noise way down on this now) as it's got a great vibe SSL Native Bus Compressor 2. Often just works. Drums and aggressive UA 1176 Bundle or Overloud Comp76 FET Compressor-Limiter (Basically every compressor from Overloud is pretty much is amazing) PSP Vintage Warmer 2 or Micro Warmer Vocals Overloud Comp LA or UA Teletronix LA-2A Leveler Collection Bass Kiive KC1 | Opto Tube Compressor (works great on vocals too) Mastering Unisum Mastering Compressor Weiss Compressor / Limiter Pulsar Mu Super coloured UA 175B and 176 Plugin Alliance SPL Iron If I was answering tomorrow, there might be some different answers, as there really are so many great compressors. Most of that list can be picked up on sale and for the sale price of the UBK-2 you could be getting up to 4 or 5 different compressors in some case. Some are a bit more expensive than that on sale, but you could still get 2 (or more depending on the combination) great compressors for the same price as the UBK-2 on sale. Unisum is actually more on sale by about $20, but it is insanely more versatile and comrehensive and there's no comparison. A bunch of the Plugin Alliance compressors are really good. I love the Neold ones, Elysia (Alpha and mPressor (noise down) and more. We're really just so spoilt for choice these days. There are so many that came to mind (and those that didn't), that are equally worthy of being ont the list and are almost entirely sub $50 on sale
  10. https://store.harrisonaudio.com/all-products/mixbus-10-pro-labor-day-sale? For example: Mixbus 10 : $29.99 (Was $129.99) Mixbus 10 Pro - Inc. SSL Fusion Stereo Image & X-Delay $129.99 (Was $499.99) (Don't think it would be seen as a competitor.. feeling the way here..)
  11. I trialed the UBK1 and really liked it, but the market has too many great compressors for much less for it to be that price point in my opinion. I would've bought it previously, but it wasn't VST3 and it wasn't scalable. RRP should be $99 and sale price $49 at most for outright, not upgrade. It just seems like a way of extracting as much money from existing customers that have V1.
  12. It does.. RRP is $199.. The original is very good, but that's a steep price for V2!
  13. I'd never really even considered Shaperbox for reverb until you mentiond it the other day. Will have to check that out at some stage. Definitely not within the next month though!
  14. So I ended up trying MTurboDelay, MTurboReverbLE and MLimiterX and decided the bundle is definitely worth it, and I'll grab. Since then I bought FL Studio All Plugins Edition that has just been on sale as it was the cheapest I'd ever seen it and now Steinberg has dropped their 40th Birthday sale that is also the cheapest on some suites that I'd planned on buying as well! Why couldn't all these people have spaced out these sales.. now I'm going to have make some decisions and likely miss out on some of them this time around 🤣
  16. You are not a fan then! Haha.. I did wonder if it was a single plugin that triggered it, or having a few. Unless I missed it, they weren't super clear on that part.
  17. That is a bit of a shame that you can't use them in other DAWs. I'm beyond green with it, but can you do a rewire like thing where you can add the plugin in the other DAW and have it trigger FL and it plays back audio through that plugin ? I think I saw something about that. I personally don't mind not being able to use them in other DAWs. Part of the fun and attraction is using a DAW for it's unique tools and restrictions. Their quote sounds a little ambiguous really.. That almost reads as though you might not if you have Producer as an example, but might if you had the All Plugins bundle as it's the premium one. Unless they had an update price / charge, or they sell them separately, I'm not sure how else they would handle that. It wouldn't make much sense to say you can't have the new instruments, or plugins ever without rebuying the entire FL Studio version again. I grabbed this one, because I had intended on picking up Producer or Signature and it really didn't cost much more than I would've been spending anyway with the voucher stacking. And I get to mess around with it now 🤣
  18. All working OK here, although I haven't bought it, or tested it.. already bought too many things in the last week or so! 🤣 What other Better maker plugins do you own of theirs?
  19. Plugin Alliance: NEW Bettermaker Passive Equalizer - fan pricing $19.99 (Otherwise Sale $79 | RRP $199) Bettermaker Passive Equalizer A studio-grade tube EQ for modern producers Bettermaker has faithfully captured every aspect of their Valve Stereo Passive Equalizer, from the clarity of its high-end analog components to its groundbreaking hybrid analog/parametric controls. Now everyone can see and hear the warmth, precision and magic of studio-grade passive EQs. Your Bettermaker fan price $19.99 Special pricing ends on Nov 28, 2024 11:59 pm PST Claiming your fan pricing: Log into your Plugin Alliance account for this address and your special pricing will be shown automatically on the Bettermaker Passive Equalizer page. https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/bettermaker_passive_equalizer.html
  20. SSL GateVerb (New) $99 Introducing GateVerb: A Non-Linear Gated Reverb Plug-In That Revives the Iconic Sound of the '80s The latest addition to Solid State Logic’s expanding lineup of premium FX pedal-style plug-ins, GateVerb is a non-linear gated reverb that adds depth, punch, and space to your tracks while maintaining a super clean mix. Its intuitive interface allows precise shaping of reverb characteristics, whether you want to capture the tight, impactful drum sound of the '80s, create expansive soundscapes, or anything in between. SSL GateVerb has it all. GateVerb features: Density, Time, Colour and Size controls Ultimate 80’s vibes in your mix when paired with the LMC+ plug-in Create unique, lo-fi sounds using the Retro control BPM time-sync'd Decay and Pre-delay Freeze and Kill for building risers and drops Sidechain and Ducking functionality And much more… GateVerb is now available on both Complete Access and SSL Complete, as well as being available to purchase for $99.99/€99.99/£79.99 or on Rent to Own. https://store.solidstatelogic.com/plug-ins/gateverb
  21. Even better Mibby! It is expensive, but if you consider that SSL breaks up their Fusion into probably 5 or 6 plugins, at $10 on sale at the lowest end and it also has an entire Neve section on top of that, it's not quite as bad.
  22. It actually seems better than most of the SSL Fusion plugins in general. But the Neve MBT side is even better again! They had to make it unavailable for a little while and change it.. I believe they got a little close to looking like the original hardware units..
  23. Kiive NFuse | Bus Processor Re-intro sale $69 | RRP $199 https://www.kiiveaudio.com/products/nfuse Should be able to get that for 15% less by siging up to their newsletter first It's very good! As per commnet by Mibby:
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