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Everything posted by MusicMan

  1. Well I was trying not to buy many plugins this year.. but seeing how this isn't one of those.. I'll allow it ?
  2. I had wondered what it was going to be like before they released it and it lived up to expectations. Would love to try the hardware! Out of curiosity, what do you mean by fast response in relation to this EQ?
  3. I've been really loving the PQ. Great for mastering and you can get really surgical with it, but it still sounds natural. The option of 1/4 step increments are sometimes perfect too
  4. Yeah I would imagine it's more to align with how iZotope and NI sell in other stores as well.
  5. With Waves you can upgrade to the latest version whenever it's released as long as you have active WUP. So if you register them now and then 15 was released in June, you could still get 15 then at no cost.
  6. Really Waves should be ensuring that these are compatible with their licensing changes, but it does say limited and that makes me wonder. I'd definitely recommend to register before that date though.
  7. Can't give them too much credit.. they need to pay to renew their WUP with me ?
  8. RBass is another useful one of their plugins. There's more on the market now, but they were early to the party with some of them.
  9. While Waves isn't my first choice, I will have to say that price is very good for those..
  10. That series does seem pretty well regarded. I should probably test them, but I don't want to get locked into needing to pay WUP down the track! Who knows, with the changes to their licensing system they could take the opportunity to provide two seats (at least) and drop WUP... Not holding my breath though ?
  11. Waves Musicians 2 Bundle $9.97 @ AudioDeluxe https://www.audiodeluxe.com/products/waves-musicians-2-bundle Get DeluxeBucks back and WA Production's Imprint plugin free. Includes: Renaissance Compressor Renaissance Equalizer Renaissance Vox Renaissance Axx Doubler SuperTap
  12. MusicMan


    That did occur to me as well ? It also occurred to me that everyone always pays out on companies for constantly having sales, so I guess we probably brought that on ourselves too!
  13. MusicMan


    Welcome back Lars and hope you had a great trip! Most of the sales have just been the standard boring regular sale prices, so you didn't miss much on that front ?
  14. MusicMan


    This was actually a really good freebie. I wouldn't be surprised if their full version, or other products were decent too. I tried this out ages ago and liked it, but might make an effort to use it more frequently by adding it to my "Use more" list in Cubase ?
  15. Some tutorials definitely help with this one if you want to go deep. Most compressors don't need a tutorial but this one has control over everything and then some! I somewhat wonder if Unisum took some inspiration from it as well. I still need to spend more time learning this one inside out.
  16. Anything time related from them are amazing, reverbs, delays and even their flangers and phasers are top notch. I rate some of their stuff among the best of the best. Blackhole can get pretty epic and unique, SP2016 can seem so transparent until you take it off and see how much it was adding to make whatever shine ? I LOVE the H3000 Factory too.. you can go as deep and technical as you want, but there's plenty of presets and you can always tweak them slightly to taste. They have heaps more to call out really! Back on Softube, I actually quite like the Tube Delay. I had held off buying any more from them until the next volume was released, but that's taken waaaaay longer than I expected... I need to check if I have that reverb already, but I like it can be used in modular.
  17. If I didn't already have it, that would be a no brainer!
  18. Great compressor and plenty of controls to really fine tune it to get the sound you want ?
  19. Yep, I'm pretty much exclusively using VST3 unless a dev doesn't have one yet. Are you using Cubase 12 Pro as well?
  20. Thanks Tom, I'm on Windows 10 and Cubase and it has caused some crashes. I wondered if it was just my combo.. interestingly fine for Simon using them. But yet all of my other plugins are fine...
  21. I did, but unfortunately no go.. thanks for the suggestion though ?
  22. Well.. almost! Haha... The code had expired, so my search continues..... ?
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