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Everything posted by MusicMan

  1. I would've thought at least a few that aren't known to mankind as well ?
  2. That glitch sale was epic.. I own a bunch of Nembrini plugins after that! I still just cherry picked the ones I really wanted, but insane pricing for them ?
  3. I replaced the Waves CLA-2A with BRA's VLA-2A and never looked back. They have had that note on their website saying they're upgrading to VST3 for quite a long time, so hopefully it's not far off now...
  4. I should really give this a demo at some stage..
  5. Installed ? These seemed to go up a bit in price from memory, although that may have been intro pricing, but the sale prices never seemed to get that low again generally. Pretty good price for both together. Nice plugins and a good innovative developer.
  6. This was one of the few plugins that I broke my rule of only buying VST3 plugins these days, but I did contact them and they were planning on making them VST3, so it was worth the punt they would deliver at that price and I pulled the trigger. I actually really like this plugin, so I'm glad that I did. Even at $30 or $40 I'd say it's a good buy, so whether it gets to $19 again (in most cases if a plugin hits a sale price, it will again, sooner or later) or it gets anywhere near there, I'd recommend picking it up anyway. It is VST3 now too ?
  7. Completely agreed. I bought 3 or 4 in fairly quick succession back then and their sales have been a bit of a yawn fest since then and not quite inspiring enough to pull the trigger on anything.
  8. It's actually surprisingly quick to bash Waves.. they provide all the materials so readily ? The number one reason for calling them out is so that new starters don't fall into their trap. Waves is a powerful advertising machine and if it wasn't for forums and Facebook groups etc it would be easy to think they're the best choice when there's so many better companies out there these days. Better to call them out, hold them accountable and try to break the cycle of victims getting suckered into a lifetime of WUP extortion.
  9. I always laugh hearing people say that WUP is fair and needed so they can develop updates and even Dirk at PA saying well of course they're charging for new versions as they "Can't be expected to work for free"(even though technically they've already been paid initially).. and yet there are so many examples like this with free updates for life and new versions, no WUP, no paying for a new version and they still make great plugins. I'm not necessarily opposed to companies charging for updates, especially if they're major updates and not just minor things they could've added to the original versions, but I love seeing and supporting all the great developers that give major updates for free and no WUP crap..
  10. There's a reason why I never used Studio Rack in any actual projects I intended to keep as I always had a gut feel they would sweep the rug out from our feet and make it require WUP, or take it away.. After their recent fiasco, free isn't worth the hassle from Waves on something like that. It's easier to replace a couple of Waves plugins in a project than a whole advanced signal chain that won't open when they paywall it or make it subscription only. My gut says no.. so does my brain.. basically everything says no to Waves for now ?
  11. I tried the limiter a few times now and it's not too bad really. Not a bad freebie and I am looking forward to watching the replay of the sessions too.
  12. Thanks Brian! That's really helpful ? Looking forward to checking some of these out and having another proper go at it!
  13. Do you have the links to specific Wreck ones and any other of your favourites in ToneX Brian? I've approached ToneX a few times, but it's been a bit hit and miss so far, but I'd like to check it out further.
  14. MusicMan

    WUP is back

    I'd happily support a Waves ban so they get no free advertising here at all ?
  15. MusicMan

    WUP is back

    This is the correct way ?
  16. I've been thinking about that too.. they obviously shafted all their users in the process, but also all their resellers that have supported them over so many years even when they've become the joke of the industry. They appear to have been able to poorly handle any of their relationships all at once.. I hope they at least look after their developers and any suppliers!
  17. 100%... I had been toying with the idea of upgrading to the Abbey Road Collection, but after their move I'm really glad I didn't spend more money with them.. Their next shafting is probably already being discussed and planned in their boardroom. I never have WUPd and would definitely recommend people don't immediately reward their customer hostile moves they've displayed through this whole fiasco. Let them stew and see what happens and encourage them to apologise with more than empty words. In short, don't buy and don't WUP and see what they bring to the table. Definitely check the alternates list as well. There's some better non Waves options in there ?
  18. One could argue Waves has always been faulty.. come to think of it, I can somewhat imagine Basil Fawlty and Manuel and the team running it.. it could explain a lot ? I have wondered about the legal side of things from Waves and this change. They would want to hope they have that rock solid, otherwise it could get very costly.
  19. This is quite possibly the most cynical thing I've read today.. also the most accurate thing for the day too! Haha.. Your overall post was all on the money, but I definitely had a laugh reading this part in particular ? There's a lot of old dinosaurs mentality where they still think they're king and haven't reassessed the current market and competition which is definitely a recipe for running the companies into the ground.
  20. I'm sure we've all been there and missed out on things like that. I know I definitely have!
  21. That has been unusual from them.. especially as they really do so much right. It's probably one of their few limitations. I have wondered if they're maybe trying to release the VST3 versions all at once, but if they can, they should release them as soon as each one is completed. Maybe it's a common framework for them, or they've had trouble resolving some bugs. Personally I'm waiting until they update as well before buying any more as I almost exclusively use VST3 now, but I do like them and their plugins.
  22. Very worth it. Love this one and has such a nice warm sound ?
  23. It sends a message, that people won't stand for it.. they rely heavily on digital marketing and so a huge drop in subscribers is a very bad metric for them. Especially when the cost to attract a new customer is orders of magnitude higher than the cost of selling to an existing customer. I've unsubscribed ? Later Waves... Sack you CEO... They're an idiot ?
  24. Oh I think they've got a lot of experience in making dumb choices, so if there's an idiotic choice to be made.. these guys have the skills to do it ?
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