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Everything posted by MusicMan

  1. I was surprised at that one as well. I had very little interest until that too!
  2. Thanks Jan, I'm hearing that a lot. I had thought I might get Trackspacer at some stage, but I'd been waiting for it to go on sale. But when it finally did, I'd just found out about SmartComp instead.
  3. So many great plugins. I have the Anthology bundle and some of the effects are simply awesome.
  4. They seem to do a pretty decent loyalty discount. Not sure if it increases with the more you have though, or whether it's just a set loyalty, but it's still nice to see. What particular functionality are you looking for from SmartComp?
  5. I reckon there are probably quite a lot of people that were hoping the same!
  6. Sonible Smart Comp 2 ($61.98 @ AudioDeluxe) with free Melda Transient shaper plugin https://www.audiodeluxe.com/products/audio-plugins/sonible-smartcomp-2 Check your discount directly on Sonible first. Showing $35 for me ? A lot of people seem to say it's better than Trackspacer.
  7. Oh that sucks, it didn't last long then! I wonder if it will become available again or whether that's it now..
  8. Air Music Tech Air Super Synth Pack: Loom II | Hybrid 2020 | The Riser ($4.99 in cart for the bundle @JRRhop) https://www.jrrshop.com/air-music-tech-air-super-synth-pack They are kind of abandonware in ways, but not a bad price!
  9. That's pretty hilarious if it comes across that way, as it really couldn't be further from the truth and I've been laughing the whole time ? I could easily buy the synth if I chose too, so there's nothing to get hurt about. I'm only commenting on principle and pointing out to anyone considering it, that there are alternatives with all of those additional benefits I mentioned. Audio tech and pricing has evolved, so what once was good value, may not be today, so hopefully that helps someone who is looking at buying a synth when weighing up options. In terms of how people do business, we absolutely can though. Customers choices to an extent can dictate businesses in many ways. Like Steven said though, it's all been covered and I've got a bunch of new synths and plugins I've bought to have fun with so all good ?
  10. The screen was showing before, so I wonder if they changed it to private. I didn't watch it, but the preview imagine in this thread showed the picture.
  11. It doesn't actually sound terrible.. I've heard worse from Waves for sure ?
  12. Just came through via email
  13. I just checked that too figuring the email might be slow! No go for me... no real hurry though.. it will get there soon enough I'm sure.
  14. In case it helps anyone else, after testing, I ended up going with: Novatron I actually didn't test this now, as I'd given it a demo previously and decided to buy it. Very versatile as it covers different compressor types. Blyss Wasn't on my list at all. But I love the saturation, and the EQ is quite capable with some light glue from the compressor for good mix. Omega 4 Pack I'd heard great things and I do like these. It made sense to just get them all at that price. Clariphonic I have Maag from PA but this is just nice and add some clarity to the top end effortlessly and opens up a mix. I skipped these: AR-1 I actually quite liked this, but it didn't wow me as much. Nice on some material though and if I hadn't bought the others, I may have considered it. It just wasn't unique enough, or add to what I already had. UBK-1 I like this one! But it's tiny on screen and no VST3. It's a bit of a shame and maybe an update is in the pipeline, but I had to look at now. Pusher This thing could be fun! But much like UBK-1 it's tiny and no VST3. Goldplate It's a nice plate reverb and I get the praise. It's just too heavy on the CPU and I've got plenty of reverbs. LX480 essentials also had some nice plates and I think I'd upgrade to LX480 full instead. Given Relab is more versatile and they coded it, I think that could be a better option. Silika Oddball compressor, but I can see how this would have some good uses. I just preferred the others I got. Electra DSP and Hammer DSP They're fine.. they just didn't wow me, or be unique enough, so they didn't make the cut. If you're thinking of any of these, sign up for the newsletter if you haven't purchased them before and you get an extra 20% off. My welcome newsletter didn't include it, but I waited and the next day I got the discount offer ?
  15. That's funny you mention mpressor. I always love that and it's like an unsung hero! Although I did go through a project disabling all my plugins trying to track down noise floor and it ended up being that one.. but I normally turn off that in the plugin mostly now and happy days. I did end up testing the Deflector and it's pretty decent. Definitely not as versatile as the IK, but still quite nice and if I didn't have the IK I'd consider it.
  16. Thanks Steven and I didn't mind the claws being out. I'm always open to hearing and appreciate other perspectives. Please don't decaf on my account though.. nothing compares to real coffee for analogue warmth! ?
  17. Haha... My ears like the sound of lots of great synths, that have all of the pros that I mentioned and Sylenth only ticks one of them ? I do think Sylenth sounds nice, but there are quite a few great warm sounding synths, some old, some new. u-he, Cherry Audio, Spire, Largo, but heaps more as well, those ones just came to mind in the 5 seconds I spent thinking about warm sounds and I'm sure I have better examples than them ? Ease up turbo, I was still replying to your first message ? I'm not saying that Steinberg is right in VST3, I'm saying once they announced it, it didn't take too much (/any!) foresight to see that it was going to mean VST2 being deprecated, like where we're at now. There's resisting I get, but to look after the best interests of your customers, not updating by now is pretty lack lustre and those resisting now are in the minority and are losing sales because of it. So that mentality isn't customer friendly and doesn't make business sense. Not much going for it really. And yet people expect developers to update for every Apple OS release that breaks stuff, so 14 years to not move to the current spec of VST3 isn't much to ask for. The bar is low... real low!
  18. I'd say having updated to VST3 14 years after it was released might be a step in the right direction ? That is interesting about it not being his fulltime job. I don't know a lot about him, so that could be possibly be true. As for Spire, currently on their site, it's $99.00 and the list is $189.00. But I'm pretty sure Loot Audio had it for around $60/$70 the other day. So there's a big difference in discounting and price. Serum isn't cheap and he's said from the start, he doesn't believe in discounting. But he has released VST3 and there's talk of Serum 2. Not sure if that will be a free update, or paid, but there are pretty frequent updates with Serum. But it's not about finding others that aren't great in those regards, for me I'm comparing it to other developers that are competitive on pricing and actively develop and innovate, of which there are many. If a company is either a lot more expensive (on street prices, not overly inflated RRPs) and barely discounts, then I expect more from them. I'm looking (and more importantly listening to how they sound) for why I would spend more money on them over the competitors. That's why I don't own Sylenth pure and simple. It lives off legacy and they haven't been competitive on pricing. They were a big fish in a small pond once, but now there are just too many great options available and they've been overtaken by equally as good and well priced options. We really are spoilt for choice these days ?
  19. It gets cheaper, but still totally worth it even at this price. Great samples. And a lot of them for that price!
  20. If they're barely going to discount, then they should probably be at the forefront of updates and innovation. In comparison to some of the others mentioned in the thread, Valhalla doesn't discount, but there are very regular updates and he releases new features for free. Fuse is a small developer and has a sale of 78%+ for his plugins making them all $14.90 right now. Massive is the same vintage and it's been in bundles for under $49. I see no real reason to pay Sylenth's asking price even at 25% when there have been a heap of more innovative and feature rich synths made since. I would say it's a competent synth and I do like the sound though ?
  21. Are Slate still physical iLok key only for perpetual licenses?
  22. Awesome sounding strip and swiss army knife, so very versatile. The built in clipper / limiter sounds great too. Up their with my favourite channel strips from them.
  23. I would agree that it does seem like it might be a bit harder for them all at the moment too. Not necessarily across the board, some are barely discounting, but there are some exceptions to the rule where this BF has seen some of the deepest discounts yet. And enjoy, that's what it's all about! ? I need to get back to testing out the rest of the Kush plugins to decide which ones I'm going to buy. Gotta love this time of year.. so much new music stuff to paly with ?
  24. Very pleasantly surprised seeing this pricing!
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