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Everything posted by MusicMan

  1. Overall I think Best Service has the edge with being able to use Best Coin and also accumulating some more from buying them too from the ones I was looking at. Both great prices though.
  2. Live at Sonible now too. But the loyalty prices are really just the same as the reseller prices for me..
  3. After checking it out a bit further, for the small cost difference to get True:Levels I think it's probably worth it. The reference tracks feature is somewhat handy
  4. At https://www.jrrshop.com/sonible now too. With code GROUP same kind of prices.
  5. Yeah the loyalty prices at Sonible are often pretty bad.. even for products I own, it shows a price to buy them and for a full bundle where I have all the plugins apart from one, it's normally cheaper to buy the whole bundle elsewhere...
  6. I am thinking about True:Balance, but the True:Levels seems to be what I already have in Smart:Limit which I have and love and would highly recommend the Dynamics Bundle which includes it. Unless I find any compelling reason to have True:Level or it adds any additional features I'll give it a miss.
  7. The Dynamics bundle is insanely good value. I think I paid close to that, but I was a bit cheeky in getting that price it turned out! ? That should be an instabuy for everyone that doesn't have it. Although they are a bit demanding on resources, so may want to demo first.
  8. At this stage, I'm thinking I may not bother. But if something great comes along and it's makes sense to buy it from PiB then it's probably not a bad freebie. If it helped the bundle price then it may be worth too it if I ever decided I wanted that, but I don't think it really does. The full bundle seems the best value instead of the pick x number of plugins to fill in what would be the missing ones.
  9. You can uninstall them I believe, but I think the new major version won't open the old projects so it's not a direct replacement. You might end up with duplicates (or more) depending on how long you own them for. Someone else can jump in and correct if that's not the case though.
  10. Was not expecting that! What a bizarre, but amazingly talented performance! That was a very interesting watch ?
  11. They seem pretty good like that. All upgrades I've seen have been free for me.
  12. I had been wondering the exact same thing as John! I asked them ages ago before buying it and just dug out the old email from them ? "The sound is the same with individual plugins and Heritage Pro version. The advantage of individual version is workflow ease and CPU performance. For example when you need only mid freq arrangement you can use EQ5M only. Or if you need to use hp filters, mid range arrangement and broad band arrangement, you can use Heritage Pro just in one fx slot."
  13. The only advantage is being able to use the components individually. I got Heritage Pro instead and just turn off the other modules if they aren't required.. or just leave them on.. I don't noticed much of a CPU hit at all with them all on.
  14. I feel your pain for what you're about to endure.. They could simply replace their entire tech support front line with ChatGPT and it would significant improvement as at least it would take into account what you've already written in the ticket. At least some of their products are pretty decent and Peter is great, because it's not their tech support helping with sales ?
  15. They'll get to you too, don't feel left out ? But this normally just means it's highly unlikely you use Mac, you haven't upgraded your OS in a while, or you've paid Extortion, I mean WUP ?
  16. There's only two types of Waves customers in the universe.. those that Waves has screwed over and ones that they just haven't gotten around to screwing over.. yet...
  17. Fixed it for you... ? AKA the first annual "Please Come Back, We're Sorry and Will do it Again" sale. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they're just going to extract a few more rounds of WUP and then have another go at subscription only.
  18. Waves.. hell no... Shady as hell and have the most anti customer ideas and tactics. Everyplugin definitely ?
  19. Agreed and definitely replaced the Waves one for me.
  20. Thanks Peter, that's really helpful, especially the part about the NEAT Player as I did wonder whether I should download them too, or even instead given the much smaller files. I did decide to go with Kontakt instead though, just for long term compatibility and it keeps it more consistent by not introducing a new player/sampler.
  21. All of these also work in their free NEAT Player too. Still might not be of interest, but good for people to know.
  22. I'm kind of glad that he's getting some exposure on here by the sounds of it, even though the offer itself is expired and it seems it was intended for a limited audience. Do you recommend any particular libraries of his that people might like?
  23. All of them seem to be Kontakt or Neat player. Neat Player ones are much smaller in size too, so possibly some better compression going on.
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