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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. He teamed up with Robert Jordon to finish Jordon's Wheel of time when time caught up with Jordon before he had finished. Nice enough track though I feel the drums become a little monotonous, a few ghost notes might just alleviate that.
  2. It is permitted you know nothing wrong with being fluffy and sentimental, especially when the music composition and playing has this quality.
  3. Pleasant composition, not sure if they are format compression artifices but I am getting a few complaints on my A7x's. As suggest by Nigel try a little EQ, if you have access to one you might even find an active EQ might be better or even multiband compression.
  4. Wookiee

    Prisha - Video

    @bjornpdx I did not find the vocals a distraction, but this equally pleasant without them.
  5. Full blooded , heart felt basement blues, sorry to hear about your brother, this is a good tribute to him sir.
  6. That was exactly my thought Markus it has a Steely vibe, I like @Hidden Symmetry.
  7. @Justin Schaffer You have to use the insert link gadget above look like a chain link. I edited your post to insert the link that way for you. Mix is not to bad, regarding EQ just remember to use no more than needed and cut rather than boost. As for 808's compression is your friend, parallel or New York compression even more so. even more so.
  8. Wookiee

    Home & Love

    I enjoyed this I thought the young ladies voice was quite affective with your music.
  9. This is much more typical Pugtones, nice to hear your stuff again.
  10. Wookiee

    The Kraken

    Nice I like that something to drift too. Perhaps little longer would be nice.
  11. Wookiee


    Mix sounds OK here this could just be me but I felt there is hints of Madonna frozen in the groove of this.
  12. Just had a chance to sit and listen to this properly, because your work deserves to be listened to properly. I really enjoyed this the mix works well here on my Adam's. Excellent composition and capture love it.
  13. Mix sounds OK here, not a song I am familiar with.
  14. What is that growl in opening bars, it sounds like a square wave with the filter wide open and quite possibly being heavily over driven? Not sure I am hearing a sequence as such?
  15. @MarkusClinus and @evadianepug Good to hear you both hear again, I have missed your music. Good to know you are both in the land of the living, enjoyed your music. 75 eh William have a good one. May your Sol orbit completion day bring you a little of what you need.
  16. Hi Mark good to see you here I trust you are well. Thank you sir you are most kind.
  17. Wookiee


    Nice bit of morning fusion to start the day.
  18. Quite a pleasant little demo Alan, I did like the somewhat discordant guitar intro with those bends.
  19. Wookiee

    Funky Shoes

    Enjoyable laid back funk with an edge of soul, nicely done.
  20. Thanks Andy nice to know you enjoyed this your time and ears are appreciated.
  21. @mark skinner love it Mark with the nylon brought forward it is just so much more, the last mix was good this mix is just more. ?
  22. @bjornpdx thanks, I understand your trouble with the Vocoder vocal but as you know Wookiee singing is lethal to all none Wookiee life forms within a parsec or two of the offending Wookiee ??. Nice to know you enjoyed this.
  23. Thanks Freddy, I wish I was half the 6 string hack you are sir. You are most kind your support is very much appreciated.
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