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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Has that surf vibe without being over done, nice job Bjorn.
  2. Nice Rhodes/Wurli intro, always like a little delayed EP. My only thought was that the drums are a little busy in the intro but other wise all is good.
  3. Wookiee

    Relax Already

    Nice, tasty even.
  4. Wookiee

    Awakening My Soul

    As noted your mix is well done, translates well here on the Adam's
  5. Interesting as ever, good vocal message and presented in your indubitable style.
  6. Thanks Nigel, yes their take on the MS-20 with the Korg arp unit persuaded me. The ffull Augmented strings and Voices seem quite usable but seem a touch off target of the original V collection objectives.
  7. Thank you Nigel, yes it is all Wookiee vocal, real Fender Strat played by real Wookiee clawed paws, SD 3 and assorted keys. I think I even played my bass on this.
  8. A little something from my archives, as the last vocal did not hit the right notes. Watching The Black
  9. Solid production as ever, mix works well here, at least your vocals have not scared everyone off like my latest effort. I enjoyed listening to this.
  10. Well siad Freddy, I just do not understand the logic of those that are pro and claim to be pro another thing. (Carful wording to avoid the politics clause)
  11. Wookiee


    Quite pleasant.
  12. @steve@baselines.com There are some interesting CAL scripts that do something similar if you are interested I can supply. I enjoyed this Steve nice departure, well mixed and captured nicely finished to.
  13. @Jesse Screed I think it is a damn good question and One I woudl consider seriously asking it if the chance arises I however am very much a sceptic. Good tune, good question keep em coming Jesse you are an inspiration to us all.
  14. It could just be me, I had spent several hours working with a Superior Drummer 3's, Rooms of Hansa, Marble room kit, which are quite lively and bright, prior to listening to your track. The result was the kit sounded a little boxy and flat to my furry ears. If you are happy then that is all that really matters. Your music your choices.
  15. @mefodia 1. Open Preferences (Keyboard Short Cut P) 2. Navigate to Keyboard shortcuts 3. Type trip in the Search bar un global bindings (see below) 4. This will show a list of note lengths in triplet that are not bound to anything specific. 5. Keys already bound will be shown in bold. 6. Find some unbound keyboard selection and bind. 5. Find some unbound keyboard selection and bind.
  16. Wookiee

    I'm stuck

    @mefodia Your question has bene move to the main forum which is a more appropriate place to ask such a question.
  17. Thank you, a Wookiee singing with paws is the safest ? Arturia's new Augmented Voices is an interesting addition to the sonic arsenal. True I could have spent more time on the drums, other things have been distracting me.
  18. I have to ask @Philip G Hunt what drums are you using? I like the song but there is something about the drums, especially in the opening. On a side note it might be worth mentioning that it contains language that may offend some.
  19. Thanks and thank you for the like. You are correct I should be a better Wookiee but the training received at mothers knee surfaces .
  20. It was an experience is all I can say, painful and an experience ? Thanks for the listen and comments
  21. 32 views, 0 comments that bad eh?
  22. Nice cover but I have to agree with Jim regards the reverb etc on the acoustic.
  23. Apart from the snare I think this works quite well, nicely captured and mixed.
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