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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Wookiee


    @bjornpdx Nice listened twice I wonder if some more Tabla variation's might, I know you have some Tabla players tend to add subtle variations in the patterns as each hit of the Tabla is in truth a word
  2. As noted above @David Sprouse cool and trippy in the same moment, as ever it is a pleasure to hear your music, thanks for sharing.
  3. I can take no credit for this remix it was your idea/suggestion Mark thank you.
  4. Mark Skinner suggested that I try adding the lyrics whispered over the Vocoder lyrics. https://www.bandlab.com/post/75fe8368-aa10-ed11-b47a-281878315d59
  5. Not really my genre it does not stop me appreciating the work and effort to make this quality capture, nicely performed and sung. Infected Mushrooms Wider is a very useful tool, I use it quite a bit.
  6. Impressive, sounds quite real, nice job @markno999
  7. Thank you your comments are appreciated. Thanks nice to hear you making music again grandad ? congratulations by the way.
  8. Don't hide those classic guitar skills @mark skinner, they need to be brought forward, and perhaps when you expand this a breakdown featuring the classic guitar and little HiHat/snare brush work with some sympathetic fretless bass.
  9. You are most kind, I agree there are many talent peeps here, thanks for the ears and time, it is appreciated.
  10. More cosmic & only recently released, thank you sir Thanks Joad you are most kind.
  11. Thanks, the lyrics have been lurking for a couple of months, just had the best way to "sing"(sic) them. As is so often the case the simplest progression worked the best. Good to hear you found them interesting.
  12. @bjornpdx very much the idea a kind of deathnell for mother earth. Thanks for your kind words, vocoders are fun. Do you have one at present?
  13. Interesting idea given a chance to get in the studio I might give it a try though I have another reverb in mind. Nice to know you enjoyed the trippy lyrics, as always your time, ears and comments are appreciated.
  14. Thanks nice to hear it is enjoyable. The bell sound is created using Voltage Modular from Cherry Audio's FM module. Then I used Native Instruments Raum reverb FX with a long regenerative tail. I then send a hint to the global reverb buss which has Overloud's Breverb hall preset to set it in the soundstage. Thanks for the ears and kind words.
  15. @daryl1968 Nice catchy little tune. Mix works well here.
  16. Lyrics City lights of the night leave me blinded The Silence of these hills deafen me. Grey Gull skims the White horses Oystercatcher fails in its quest once more Gaia sighs Moon dreams fall upon the open sea insipid thoughts slip through the mind fog Tyrannical fools try to rule the world. Destroying what they cannot have Gaia cries Long forgotten ocean creatures Fall as polluted rain Once Sleeping trees roar once more A different canopy they do deploy Gaia weeps Mother earth gives to us and we do take Thank you never do we say Just abuse her and user her Then complain when she takes her price Gaia Weeps Gaia weeps, on Mothers shoulders Mother cries in Gaia’s arms Thanks for the ears and time. Toys used Instruments Roland Cloud SRX Orchestra, XV5080 Cherry Audio Voltage Modular, Rack vocoder (Instrument as FX) Toontrack EZ Bass Arturia SEM (2) V FX NI's Raum Reverb Cherry's Audios Stardust 201 delay Arturia's Jun - 6 chorus Boz Digitals +10dB Compressor Infected Mushroom Wider Cakewalk Stock Pro Channel Quad curve EQ, N-Type Channel emulation and Channel compressor, CA-2A On the Busses Cakewalk Tape, N-Type Buss emulation, Quad curve EQ, Buss Compressor Overloud Breverb as a global reverb on a Buss
  17. Interesting enough, not sure the open closed HH worked but it is your track.
  18. Wookiee

    Forge of Gravitons

    @Kevin Perry I would bring that axe to the front a bit more it is playing some nice little runs that are getting a little lost under this very Space Rock (Hawkwind) groove. PS Love it. ?
  19. Freddy grooving in your classic style, good stuff as ever.
  20. Welcome to the Cakewalk Songs forum. Considering the mix environment and the very nature of this song the mix works quite well.
  21. Wookiee


    As ever @bjornpdx an interesting mix of voices, furry paws crossed and a little of the force to help you recover., nice tune and pictures.
  22. @timboalogo It is a tragedy and crime what certain European religious sects did to the natives of Canada as they also did in Australia , your lyrics convey that message. Mix is not bad but as noted above a few tweaks my bring it to life a little more.
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