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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Thank you Treesha, as you say music allows a level of communication that, as powerful as words can be, that words sometimes can not. I appreciate your kind words and thoughtful comments.
  2. Thank you John, I keep being told that is what I should do with my music, maybe one day.
  3. Wookiee

    Sad Day

    @treesha thank you, my faithful hound is keeping me on track.
  4. Thank you Larry, you comments and thoughts are appreciated.
  5. Thanks t, that is the nature of the beast we call life. Missi is a treat she keeps me sane.
  6. Thanks Bjorn, the didgeridoo is from a custom patch in Cherry Audio's Voltage Modular. It uses random events to shape LFO's and trigger envelopes to synthesise the effects of circular breathing. Thanks for your ears and kind words.
  7. Thanks Rik, I am and then I am not. I just have moments in the dark when I miss her. I am getting used to being alone, but I am not, I have my dog who really does not like me going anywhere without her. ? and I mean anywhere.
  8. Nice track @bjornpdx
  9. Firstly an apology to those who contribute here for not listening to your contributions, it is not that I do not want to but life has been a tad busy, more details are in the tune here Sad Day The Darkness Within Toys Cherry Audio Voltage Modular Arturia Pigments x 4 FX Cherry Audio Rackmode Phaser All other FX Cakewalk stock. Following on from Sad Day this reflects some of the internal turmoil of actions taken, for the best in the most part, but there is still the pain within. I would not recommend listening on headphones or buds at high levels there are some very painful tones.
  10. Cool grooving Mark, I love the hesitance in some of the playing around the 2:30 mark.
  11. Always a pleasure to hear your compositions @Jerry Gerber thank you for sharing your music and your love of the cosmos.
  12. Wookiee

    Sad Day

    Thanks, the back story is something that would take to long to tell, I do appreciate your ears.
  13. Wookiee

    Sad Day

    @whoisp Strength and a little of the force to you, I do feel and know your pain. My mum had crippling arthritis in every joint in a wheelchair at 45, my Dad had Parkinson's, my brother pi$$ed off to the US because he couldn't handle it. Use the music it is the most powerful language.
  14. Wookiee

    Sad Day

    Thanks you sir. I have been a full time carer since 2006, our clan chief, my dad had Parkisons and Ms W had two very painful conditions which made her life distressing. Giving up on Ms W was the hardest thing I have ever had to do, but it was literally killing me. It was also a family decision the rest of the clan and its addpotied members all sat me and Ms W to discuss it. Thanks again for your ears and kind words.
  15. Wookiee

    Sad Day

    Thank you, good days, bad days but then that tends to be life.
  16. Nice stuff Nigel, when I was but a tiny Wooklet I visited Dorset. Listening in 2.1 nice mix.
  17. Nice track @freddy j poignant at this time, so many people in power only seem to lie.
  18. @RikF Always a pleasure to hear you play, you have a sweet touch. Trust you are well(ish)
  19. Wookiee

    Sad Day

    Thank you sir.
  20. Listen to the first post, sounds reasonable here. If I get the chance tomorrow I will do the comparison.
  21. Wookiee

    Sad Day

    Thank you Thanks Rik trust you are healing, appreciate your ears.
  22. Wookiee

    Sad Day

    Thank you Tom.
  23. Wookiee

    Sad Day

    I can handle Bach, that is very kind of you Tom his music is genius. I love his organ pieces. Thank you for your kind words and thoughts.
  24. Not quite what I was expecting. As noted interesting, pop no jazz yes, as always nicely done Steve.
  25. And down the rabbit hole it goes. Keep it nice people and please when reporting a post make a comment. Locked
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