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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Sounds OK here Keith, still getting my ears in on my new studio setup, but the mix seems to work OK.
  2. Much what I have come to expect from your music Jack, this does not disappoint. Mix seems much as I would expect.
  3. Being more a Pagan Yule type of Wookiee until the Shaman gives the word celebrations don't begin. Back to this, I don't know if you fixed the piano yet but it still seem a bit over the top for me. Otherwise very much what I would expect mix wise for you Steve.
  4. Sounds very film like, yes I know it is a Cue. The piano sound, the defusion on the reverb, for my furry ears makes it get a little lost when the strings come in, is that intentional. What piano did you use?
  5. Not really my thing so how you take what I say is up to you. The mix is not bad, the HH is a bit irritatingly present and to my furry ears lacks any variation in hit, style or feel. Otherwise everything seem to have space in the mix even though of the panning does get a little confusing.
  6. Wookiee

    Broken Dreams

    Mix sounds good here plenty of definition and separation, my only crit is your site is not secure i.e. HTTP instead of HTTPS.
  7. You can float each tab of the multi dock already and the Multidock itself
  8. Have you installed the new version of the CCC, 1.8.1 I believe. Cakewalk Next is a new product not a replacement for anything. CbB is ending plain and simple, personally we have had a good 6 years of a free ride. Cakewalk Sonar is in effect the replacement but is functionly identical. Whatever you do if you reinstall S-Plat you must reinstall CbB as there are shared files that work with both but CbB comes with new updated version.
  9. Wookiee


    Thank you Kevin, nice to know it had the affect to mesmerise and inspire.
  10. Your statement about the whole look changing is incorrect, if you read what is said on the website it clearly indicates the only change is the way the GUI is generated. As for tutorial videos any videos from the X series onwards are still useful today.
  11. Must confess didn't know this one, only album of theirs I remember is Very Heavy, Very Humble. Consequently did a little research, this an excellent cover Bob. Very balanced mix.
  12. Wookiee


    Thank you Tom, good to know it made the black top bearabler.
  13. @SmokeyLoops read the the stickies at the top of the forum.
  14. Lots of upset peeps about some of the comments on this thread. Keep it friendly, trolling is not friendly, if you like something by all means comment, if not why not just walk on by, it the thing to do at this time of year. Happy holidays peeps.
  15. I do hope no one is getting a push back or other bonus for promoting this.
  16. Wookiee


    Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment. Sorry to hear you health is fighting you again, wishing your health improves, here is some of the force (more commonly call Tao here) to help your healing.
  17. Wookiee


    Thank you Ross, appreciate.
  18. Wookiee


    Thank you Nigel, yes agreed great plugins but must be treated with respect. Mr Moog did seem to enjoy making mistakes with drive. Glad you liked it, thanks again.
  19. Wookiee


    Easy on the ears song, mix sounds nicely defined, vocal is well placed and sits nicely in the mix, not bad for a demo
  20. As a dance track it probably doesn't matter but it sounds all down the middle on my Adams. no sense of spread. Did you capture this in CbB?
  21. Wookiee


    Thank you Larry most kind sir.
  22. Definitely going in a different direction from your last, grittier, rocking, nicely done as ever, thanks for sharing.
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