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aidan o driscoll

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Everything posted by aidan o driscoll

  1. https://remix.beatport.com/ This remix challenge has been going for last few weeks. The deadline was 12 midnight last night - PT The stems were given for DJ Harveys track from 2013: I managed to do a remix ALL DONE IN CAKEWALK and using LOOPCLOUD plugins inside CW ( the stems were provided through a Loopcloud sub which is free for a while once you register ( I pay a monthly sub ). I wont add it here yet, I have it on soundcloud PRIVATE, not sure of the copyright on making it public. However i will add here once I clear that up. Anyway after a timeline pressure warts and all I uploded it a few hours before that deadline. I like doing these remix challenges, got for your craft!!
  2. And remember with REASON 11 any flavour you have the rack Plugin that will work inside CW so you never need actually use Reason itself but have access to all the reason instruments/efx in Cakewalk ..
  3. For a few months now I subscribe to Loopcloud monthly and love it too be honest. The loopcloud main app with its DAW type facility and its VST plugins inside CW are great Yesterday i posted here about a sale at Loopclouds parent site LOOPMASTERS: https://www.loopmasters.com/labels/81-HY2ROGEN I got curious because I noticed no drop in Points Amounts to buy these on sale packs via loopcloud vs from the loopmasters link above. SO I emailed Loopmasters wondering do these sales happen across the board at Loopmasters and Loopcloud. I got my reply - The answer is NO. the sales at the moment ONLY happen at the Loopmasters site where you buy the packs with Cash. However on Loopcloud the equivalent pack is not reduced in points value, its the same as it always is. SO for the moment its best to buy these packs at the sale prices at loopmasters instead of using up your Loopcloud points me thinks. The reply did say they are looking at sales type thing inside the Loopcloud environment going forward. At the mo "they cannot reduce the price in points of any products in the Loopcloud Store currently" .. "This is something that is certainly possible for the future, but not currently possible in Loopcloud." I also asked what a POINT in Loopcloud is worth. Here is the answer: "The price of a point is generally ST£0.03 "
  4. https://www.loopmasters.com/labels/81-HY2ROGEN# Some nice stuff for cheap here to build up your sample library. Also available in Loopcloud if you have a sub for it. Just bought this with points in loopcloud ( 166 ) https://www.loopmasters.com/genres/25-House/products/11273-1000-Vocal-Shots-Vol-3 ( @Xel Ohh )
  5. @Matthew Sorrels To be honest I have looked at the videos for both here - https://8dio.com/instrument/agitato-sordino-strings-for-kontakt-vst-au-aax/ https://8dio.com/instrument/adagietto-vst-au-aax-kontakt-instruments-samples/ Ok, subtle sound differences maybe, but for a more general user like myself one OR the other is enough .. as in the one I have is the Agitato Sordino Strings and is enough? The UI in both is pretty much the same actually. I also have the Claire Clarinet. But no Flute. On voice / choral front I have Realivox - Blue, Soundiron mercury elements and Olympus elements. If thats enough to cover the choral front OR is it worthh waiting for a sale on an 8DIO choral instrument?
  6. @Matthew Sorrels Turns out in fact that I previously got Agitato Sordino Strings. SO that vs Adagietto Instrument, do I really need Adagietto Instrument also? Will Agitato Sordino Strings cover it? Yes I do fall into the "If you need a string section, especially for non-orchestral stuff -- pop/rock" ..
  7. SO .. the Adagietto Instrument OR Alto Flute Virtuoso ? OR Both
  8. As is case with INtro and Full reason .. with the rack plugin you need NEVER open or use Reason Lite. Just get it for the Rack plugin which allows you to use the REASON Plugins that come with Lite inside of your Cakewalk.
  9. Ok so ITS NOT a Waves product in fact ( not sure why Waves are involved ) .. It is the newish regular Reason rack VST that used to come with there paid products - Reason Full and Reason Intro - BUT now its FREE with the Free REASON LITE. Is that it in a nutshell? Sorry it was teh WAVES thing that was throwing me
  10. Sorry I meant WHAT IS IT? Is it a waves plugin for reason?
  11. That link just goes to the REASON LITE Page. Whats the WAVES angle on this? I have REASON INTRO which has the Reason plugin already that works inside Cakewalk etc
  12. So I see the Adagietto Instrument was added .. $48 https://8dio.com/instrument-category/8dio-instruments-on-sale-vst-au-aax-kontakt-instrument-samples/ Anyone have this? Whats it like? Sounds great .. but of course it would if you are good at orchestration
  13. https://8dio.com/instrument-category/8dio-instruments-on-sale-vst-au-aax-kontakt-instrument-samples/ $48
  14. Has anyone actually used ACTION PRO or IGNITE PRO
  15. I think with alot of these things you have to make a concerted effort to both learn and use them. I have so many plugins and instruments at this stage INC a huge number of Kontakt instruments bought over the years .. I have now forgotten them. There is such a thing as having to o much also
  16. Loop based vs multi-sampled instruments - How do you know the difference?? 9 Probably a dumb Q with an obvious and )
  17. Ok .. @cclarry .. point taken. I have changed the title to ask for recommends from the sale
  18. @cclarry Re the 8Dio sale stuff, thought this a better idea than separate thread per offer?
  19. So far here is everything on sale - THIS LINK WILL BE UPDATED WITH EVERYTHING ON SALE DAILY: https://8dio.com/instrument-category/8dio-instruments-on-sale-vst-au-aax-kontakt-instrument-samples/ I plumped for the GUITALELE. Today its the Cello and Violin Designer + the Claire stuff ( Flutes, Clarinet ). While I have ye here whats the difference tween the claire Alto Flute Virtuoso and the Claire Flute Virtuoso?
  20. i actually had a similar issue when i got my new AUDIENT EVO 4 Audio U/I last week. It comes with own ASIO drivers. However when I opened CW the audio engine crashed and hung. It turned out that it was both ASIO4ALL and the FL Studio Asio drivers were causing the problem. So uninstalled and no probs after that. So similar lesson learned
  21. I meant to give this tip here. I realise like me, many of you might have quiet alot of VSTs on your systems and that VST Instruments and VST Effects are all dumped into the same folder for likes of CW & Vegas etc to find once pointed at that folder. A while back i started to seperate out the EFFECTS vsts from the INSTRUMENTs vsts .. into seperate folders eg VST64Instruments and VST64Effects. The likes of VEGAS would most likely be more suited to see the VST Effects ONLY and not the Instruments. For years now as you said Vegas has been glitchy with respect to finding VSTs and installing because Vegas seems to check VSTs on startup each time and consequently can hang or take ages. So by just showing Vegas the Effects VST path, I found things alot slicker.
  22. AND you get the LIBERIS CHOIR FREE with any purchase over $298
  23. I am sold ... this one, just wow: https://8dio.com/instrument/advanced-guitar-series-guitalele-for-kontakt-instruments-vst-au-aax-samples/
  24. Another nice overall tute on creating a track from scratch and how to use song mode. Includes link to download the expansion used in this tutorial.
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