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aidan o driscoll

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Everything posted by aidan o driscoll

  1. As is case with INtro and Full reason .. with the rack plugin you need NEVER open or use Reason Lite. Just get it for the Rack plugin which allows you to use the REASON Plugins that come with Lite inside of your Cakewalk.
  2. Ok so ITS NOT a Waves product in fact ( not sure why Waves are involved ) .. It is the newish regular Reason rack VST that used to come with there paid products - Reason Full and Reason Intro - BUT now its FREE with the Free REASON LITE. Is that it in a nutshell? Sorry it was teh WAVES thing that was throwing me
  3. Sorry I meant WHAT IS IT? Is it a waves plugin for reason?
  4. That link just goes to the REASON LITE Page. Whats the WAVES angle on this? I have REASON INTRO which has the Reason plugin already that works inside Cakewalk etc
  5. So I see the Adagietto Instrument was added .. $48 https://8dio.com/instrument-category/8dio-instruments-on-sale-vst-au-aax-kontakt-instrument-samples/ Anyone have this? Whats it like? Sounds great .. but of course it would if you are good at orchestration
  6. https://8dio.com/instrument-category/8dio-instruments-on-sale-vst-au-aax-kontakt-instrument-samples/ $48
  7. Has anyone actually used ACTION PRO or IGNITE PRO
  8. I think with alot of these things you have to make a concerted effort to both learn and use them. I have so many plugins and instruments at this stage INC a huge number of Kontakt instruments bought over the years .. I have now forgotten them. There is such a thing as having to o much also
  9. Loop based vs multi-sampled instruments - How do you know the difference?? 9 Probably a dumb Q with an obvious and )
  10. Ok .. @cclarry .. point taken. I have changed the title to ask for recommends from the sale
  11. @cclarry Re the 8Dio sale stuff, thought this a better idea than separate thread per offer?
  12. So far here is everything on sale - THIS LINK WILL BE UPDATED WITH EVERYTHING ON SALE DAILY: https://8dio.com/instrument-category/8dio-instruments-on-sale-vst-au-aax-kontakt-instrument-samples/ I plumped for the GUITALELE. Today its the Cello and Violin Designer + the Claire stuff ( Flutes, Clarinet ). While I have ye here whats the difference tween the claire Alto Flute Virtuoso and the Claire Flute Virtuoso?
  13. i actually had a similar issue when i got my new AUDIENT EVO 4 Audio U/I last week. It comes with own ASIO drivers. However when I opened CW the audio engine crashed and hung. It turned out that it was both ASIO4ALL and the FL Studio Asio drivers were causing the problem. So uninstalled and no probs after that. So similar lesson learned
  14. I meant to give this tip here. I realise like me, many of you might have quiet alot of VSTs on your systems and that VST Instruments and VST Effects are all dumped into the same folder for likes of CW & Vegas etc to find once pointed at that folder. A while back i started to seperate out the EFFECTS vsts from the INSTRUMENTs vsts .. into seperate folders eg VST64Instruments and VST64Effects. The likes of VEGAS would most likely be more suited to see the VST Effects ONLY and not the Instruments. For years now as you said Vegas has been glitchy with respect to finding VSTs and installing because Vegas seems to check VSTs on startup each time and consequently can hang or take ages. So by just showing Vegas the Effects VST path, I found things alot slicker.
  15. AND you get the LIBERIS CHOIR FREE with any purchase over $298
  16. I am sold ... this one, just wow: https://8dio.com/instrument/advanced-guitar-series-guitalele-for-kontakt-instruments-vst-au-aax-samples/
  17. Another nice overall tute on creating a track from scratch and how to use song mode. Includes link to download the expansion used in this tutorial.
  18. BTW .. @ZincT @Xel Ohh .. If ye guys are ever shopping for a new audio I/F .. as of now I will highly recommend the AUDIENT EVO 4 which arrived to me last wednesday Lets see what @Abhijit Singh says when his one arrives
  19. @Xel Ohh Re Serato Studio .. I will get around to it,Im neck deep in noodling with MPC Beats and CW at the mo .. will let you know when i get around to it tho. Re sampler in Beats, I actually find it good so far, not too complicated. Use as much or as little as one needs I suppose. Did you go the route of export stems out of Beats to CW as I described above ( the explode feature and all that ) .. I think its a good compromise around the Beats crashes in CW at the mo
  20. Back by popular demand, we're excited to offer 50% off on instrument and drum sample packs. Use coupon "MPCSAVE" Show your sound library some love and add some must-have classics like OVXO, Definitive 90s, Dark Parallax and more. ALL PACKS ALSO WORK IN FREEE MPC BEATS SOFTWARE! https://mpcsoftware.akaipro.com/
  21. Ah well ... worth a try I suppose. It was someone replying to a CW vid review thing on Youtube .. said they had succeeded. You saved me the trouble :D You should have a go off the stems idea I posted above also and into CW. I see lots of possibilities with that. Also that vid I just posted about BEATS built in sampler, well worth a look .. again inspiring for ideas
  22. I might also add .. having watched Ave McRee's vid tute below I can see that MPC BEATS could be the missing sampler inside CW?
  23. @Xel Ohh There is another way around this. Create your patterns and tracks in MPC BEATS. THEN export the individual stems out as WAVs and load them into Cakewalk to arrange and master etc ... To do this - particularly for DRUM LINES you need to select all the drum track individual parts, then go to edit menu, Track and EXPLODE. This puts each drum part into its own track. CLEAR the original drum track ( before that MUTE it and make sure the other tracks played together are your drum track ). Next go to FILE, EXPORT, as audio mixdown. Set audio Tail to ZERO and tick EXPLODE TRACKS. Set the Format, Depth and rate as you like and click EXPORT. Dump them to a folder of your choice. Now open CW and import that lot in and you are good to go to arrange and master and add further to if you wish .. ( Take note of the BPM in MPC Beats too, set it the same in CW ) BTW .. I also spotted elsewhere IF YOU HAVE AKAI VIP ( comes with the MPK Keyboards etc ), you can load that as a plugin in CW and then inside that load BEATS and it apparently doesnt crash. Have not tried it though ..
  24. Yes @Abhijit Singh .. very happy with it so far. Got it for same reason as you - GUITAR, with that DI on the front and hearing good reports from guitarists with this I/F. As they say here in Ireland ( When you get your EVO ) .. Well Wear Another comment I will have about it is, relatively, its quiet weighty and sturdy .. which is assuring.
  25. So my Audient EVO 4 arrived from AMAZON today. All rigged up with my Lenovo Core i5 16GB and 1 TB Hd system. No prob installing though I did come a slight cropper with the FRUITY LOOPS ASIO Driver installed. It caused CW audio engine to drop out with the cursor on constant whirly thing. SO I uninstalled the FL Asio and the Asio4all drivers, SORTED. Works like a dream since then. Downloaded all the freebees that came with it, done via a serial and a pin on the underside of the EVO 4 and then the evo.audio/evo4/download site I am a loopcloud subscriber - one of the freebies is a few gigs of samples added to your Loopcloud account. Only issue with that is more on the loopcloud side. If you already have an account with them it doesnt add the Audient freebie loops so I just emailed Loopcloud and 5 mins later they added it there end. Here is a pic of my system with CW open and the EVO 4 on the right for scale:
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