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Everything posted by aidan o driscoll
As the title says: https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/1852-Vocalizer-Pro Oh and RX 7 Elements comes with it free also ..
can cakewalk use a graphics card?
aidan o driscoll replied to Oscar Garzon's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
@Oscar Garzon Unfortunately you cannot get away from this one. If you are serious about your music .. You will need to get a decent Audio I/F and get away from that basic soundcard you have on the graphics board. No 2 ways about this TBH. Have a look at this thread I setup a while back about Audio interfaces. I was hunting for one myself because my old M-audio Firewire I/F was getting real long in the tooth. I finally settled on the AUDIENT EVO which comes in at around $100. Its an external Audio I/F connected via USB. There are a few decent Audio I/Fs which would be better than what you have and in some cases well under $100. The oldest but still very good if on a budget is the Presonus AudioBox USB 96 which I have seen for about ST£80. Another range that does get a battering both good and bad is the Behringer Audio I/Fs .. eg the UMC22 comes in at ST£56 or the UMC202HD comes in at ST£87 ( both would be well better than that card you are using at the moment ). One of the top makes is Focusrite and the Scarlett Solo 3rd gen comes in at ST£92. All these prices available on AMAZON UK, convert to your own currency. Read that thread above. You cannot as they say make a silk purse out of a sows ear no matter which way you cut it. Nothing you do will make that "audio I/F" you have any better in my opinion and all you will be doing is frustrating yourself no end ... my 2 cents! The two i finally settled on were the Komplete Audio 1 or the Audient EVO. I went for the latter simply because it was available and the Komplete was not. I also went for the Audient EVO because i play guitar for eons and saw many good reviews about its inputs for Guitar and vocals etc. All that info and reviews is available at that thread above to save you the bother of repeating the same thing & once you come around to stop fooling yourself with that graphics I/F you have -
Magix Music Maker (V4)
As I mentioned above .. dredging through my past humble bundle purchases and MAGIX MP3 DELUX 19 is in there: https://www.magix.com/ie/music/mp3-deluxe/ That can be installed alongside the current bundle .. if you bought past bundles you might have it already
BTW @ZincT .. I started dredging through my Humble Bundle past bundles and found there: https://www.magix.com/ie/music/vintage-effects-suite/ Just installed them, nice ... might be in your collection too from the past
@ZincT I moved the Loop collections manually as I said, then in the Explorer window in Acid I added the new Loop Collections location as a favourite. All sorted it seems.
@ZincT Looks like not fixed. The got installed under - C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common - Which I suppose is OK if being shared ad used by different win 10 profiles. As in 9 it seems the "Loop Collection Folder" option is present but STILL non-functional as you describe (you cannot enter anything in it). I moved them to a new locations under Audio Data\magix\Loop Collections .. I just had one project done and when opened again I repointed to that folder and saved it, all now working again. It is annoying that programs do this, putting stuff in places you have no control over during install. Another annoying thing about MAGIX is they download all the install software, install the applications BUT then do not clean up after leaving huge install files in under Documents\MAGIX Downloads .. in my case eating up 10GB
BTW if you do buy this bundle .. a particular point about the ACID MUSIC STUDIO 11 - When installed go to the help menu and click on DOWNLOAD INSTRUMENTS AND LOOP COLLECTIONS. You end up with a crap load of extras to the tune of near 4gb of content.
I feel your pain I am transitioning my desktop over to a new ( second hand box I inherited ) .. core i5, 16gb Ram .. Its PAINFUL having to reinstall everything inc all the bread and butter vsts and all that and then relicense them etc. Keeping the PC uncluttered .. yeah, mmm ... indeed, lets see how it goes on my end. I could see myself doing all this in a while again when I get the bobs together for a 2GB SSD to replace the 1GB Sata thats in this newer box. BTW I have tried ghosting and all that, it still is troublesome and can cause issues. Sometimes the long way IS the short way MPC Beats .. as the advert says .. Im Lovin it .. got great creative potential and it finally gets you to start using all those sample libraries cluttering your harddrive that were bought over years
Yes was always curious about VIDEO X .. will be looking at it over weekend and see. I am knee deep in noodling with CW and Reason 11 Intro as a plugin trying the Reason samplers PLUS also messing around with MPC Beats which is real nice with my Akai MPK Mini 2 controller kbrd. I really like the look of the new Akai MPk mini 3 kybrd just out too .. Also have one of these arriving Wednesday from amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B084BGC5LR/ A new AUDIENT product, the upgrade on this .. the ID4: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Audient-18-90008-ID4-Audio-USB-Interface/dp/B0107YJU8Q/
Yip .. I was just wondering in basic terms is there much diff tween SOUND FORGE Audio Studio 13 and Soundforge Pro 12? I have the latter installed all the time and use it .. Just installed SF Audio studio 13. In long run I wont need both BUT is there a big diff between the two performance wise etc? BTW I went for the > €23 to get the lot. I find with these things that for that price, even if I dont use some of the software it can come in handy later on for upgrade prices vs buying new. Small money to pay for that possibility in the future
From a previous HB software bundle I have Soundforge Pro 12 and Vegas pro 15. I just wonder would the VEGAS Movie Studio 16 Platinum and SOUND FORGE Audio Studio 13 - even though cut down - be worth replacing the Soundforge Pro 12 and Vegas pro 15? The UIs def look newer as is the case with Acid Music Studio 11 ( Gone is the windows XP look ). In my case I am not a heavy user of Soundforge or Vegas, I only use them occasionally if i eitehr need to edit a sample a bit or open very old vegas files from the distant past.
As an aside and speaking of samplers. Some may not be aware that REASON 11 & its instruments can be used inside CW as plugins. The REASON INTRO 11 is well worth it here because as well as all its included instruments and efx it also has the NN-XT and the NN19 Samplers which will now work inside CW. REASON INTRO is €79, pretty much the price of other sampler vsts on there own: https://www.reasonstudios.com/shop/product/reason-11-intro/
In fact @Xel Ohh uses serato sample in Cakewalk and seems to hold it in high regard ( No 4 in the review ABOVE out of 5 )
Also this ... for zilch .. and updated very recently https://www.tx16wx.com/
Another new TUTE for y'all on MPC Beats
Serato Announces Free Edition of Serato Studio
aidan o driscoll replied to Eusebio Rufian-Zilbermann's topic in Deals
Decided to BUMP this because it is now actually available for free from: https://serato.com/studio I spotted this via a recent vid done by @Xel Ohh ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59i6B1p-at8&pp=wgIECgIIAQ%3D%3D ) when he mentioned Serato sample plugin that he uses. have not looked at it yet but i wonder can it be used as a plug inside CW? And as i asked over at @Xel Ohh video comment .. are elements of Serato Sample in this freebie? @Xel Ohh Also mentions this nice little FREE Drum sampler: https://decomposer.de/sitala/- 1 reply
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Cakewalk by BandLab update not working
aidan o driscoll replied to Veets's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Ok, Just tried it on a relatively freshly installed windows 10 system. This has Old cakewalk & Command ctr installed plus had Bandlab Assistant v5.2.0 / BL CW installed. I first updated BL assistant to 6, then attempted to install. BL Assistant sat at progress bar installing. I had to close BLA in the system tray and restart it .. it then went ahead and installed after that. Could it be those of us with old CW/Cmd Ctr installed as this new ver is installing CLASSIC CREATIVE Suite, something already installed by old CW SONAR Plat? -
Cakewalk by BandLab update not working
aidan o driscoll replied to Veets's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Yip .. elsewhere i stated I had this issue. I solved it - After opening BL assistant to try update it got stuck on Download .. so I closed down BL assistant in the system tray and reopening again and clicked on update once more, that worked BUT it still stuck on download in BL Assistant, i just clicked the x and it then said complete. I also noticed my BL Assistant ver was 5.2.0 so downloaded the latest version from site and it upgraded to v6. In hindsight that may have been the issue? -
I launched bandlab Assistant and went to update CW in the APPS tab. It got stuck on Download, went no further. However I Solved this by closing the bandlab assistant app by right clicking in the system tray and quit. Relauched it and then selected update and it worked. My BL assistant 5.2.0 .. does that need updating? EDIT - Aha, just downloaded BL assistant and my v5.2.0 went to v6. Maybe that was the issue
Big difference tween BEATs and MPC 2 is the LATTER has unlimited tracks ( Beats limited to 8 midi/inst tracks, 2 Audio tracks ). Otherwise they are essentially the same. Maybe the start screen thing will arrive to MPC 2 via an update? I would leave both installed but maybe start using BEATS initially to get into the how it all works, there are lots of new tute vids on youtube for Beats, many are linked here further back the pages. Then when you are happy with how whole thing works maybe then decide on what to keep/remove?
Try LOOPCLOUD ( Free month ) .. compare and contrast
Techno Sampler for £1 ($1.32) at Loopmasters
aidan o driscoll replied to Reid Rosefelt's topic in Deals
BTW as a $10pm Loopcloud subscriber you get to download 25 free samples per DAY ( so multiply that by even a month, thats LOTS ). You also build up ( I think ) 250 points per month that roll over. These points allow you to buy individual samples from all the loopmasters collections/packs OR to buy whole packs in one if you wish. Everything is priced in points. I love the fact you can buy every sample individually so you can mix and match w/o having to buy a whole pack to get just a few Even if you go for the month free you get lots of welcome packs with GBs of samples. If you decide to from Loopcloud after a month the Loopcloud utility and the VSTs all still work with whatever samples you already have / bought AND your own samples on HD -
Ken, keep in mind some more history that I sort of mentioned and will expand on now. Only for Bandlab rescuing CW from GIBSON ( which was not a match made in heaven at all and was touch and go for a good while in fact, where many CW users had to go looking for other DAWs before the bandlab intervention as Gibson were pretty much going to drop it and effectively bury it forever ) you or I would not be here getting what we previously would have had to pay lots of cash for but are now getting it free. A pro DAW ( Digital Audio Workstation ) for nothing .. which up to a few years ago and since the 90s I paid for. I have no gripes with this, i am just very happy that Bandlab kept CW alive ( and icing on the cake is they are constantly updating it SEPARATE FROM BANDLAB own products ) and I dont begrudge them us using a UTILITY with there own audio platform + cakewalk for that reason. I would say something if they were forcing me to use Bandlabs own audio platform online or changing / morphing CW into there own software ( they are not ) or if they were constantly emailing me and badgering me, they do not. In fact I have not got one single marketing email from them trying to get me to use there other products. Bandlab are not a social media platform, Im not sure where you are getting that idea from. If you look you will find they have an online DAW so to speak where beginners particularly or casual users can drag drop samples online to create tracks online. There is a bit of integration of this into Cakewalk via import if you want, but not compulsory. CW is no longer just for MIDI, but it can be if you want, ignore the rest. The phrase DAW / Digital Audio Workstation years back came to the fore as an expansion on the word Sequencer which generally just meant MIDI only really in the early days. CW now handles recording Audio and / or importing samples to tracks along side your midi tracks. Its the audio samples end that Bandlabs other business is involved with and also as I mentioned, loopcloud. Instead of back in the day having a harddrive full of space eating samples NOW new cloud services are arising like Bandlab and Loopcloud where you can subscribe monthly, yearly and load these samples directly into your DAW from your cloud space where your samples are now stored vs on your Harddrive. Again I find no issue with this, it makes good use of the cloud concept. Another good use of the cloud as is the case with Bandlabs own offering is it allows amateurs and pro's alike to collaborate in the cloud with your tracks IF YOU WISH, so now you are expanding your base of potential partner muso's in a project beyond your own area and all online. SO tbh Ken ... your issues noted, its still back to your choice whether to use CW in its present form or not, it was either that OR cakewalk NO MORE. As for many others having an issue with the Bandlab Assistant Utility in general, I would very much doubt that ( people might have functionality issues ok, but Bandlab seem to respond to these ) .. as I said its the new way of doing things and again, personally I have no issue with it, in fact for me it simplifies things .. but hey thats just me!! PS - Not alone did Bandlab rescue Cakewalk out of the fire, they pretty much also kept most of the original crew of developers in work right up to this day. Some of them have responded to your thread if you look at the sigs of the replies
Techno Sampler for £1 ($1.32) at Loopmasters
aidan o driscoll replied to Reid Rosefelt's topic in Deals
Also at LOOPCLOUD if you want All the unity packs that make up this sampler, quiet a few free with the sub