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Yan Filiatrault

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Everything posted by Yan Filiatrault

  1. Most probably. I may buy it and wait for Reason 13 to register it.
  2. Worth the upgrade for Reason 11 users?
  3. Playing bass for 53 years!. That’s a lot of payments you should have received! Thus explaining why you can afford to buy the whole vst market.. Mystery solved!
  4. Is that a gossip or something real? They are releasing a ton of Soundpaint products for a while, so I guess that could also be an explanation …
  5. Paying bass for 53 years? That’s a lot of payments!
  6. Someone, somewhere, will soon have it installed…
  7. I got it too. Nothing left to buy from them. Feels like Bapu.
  8. Anything to buy for someone owning the latest Anthology bundle?
  9. Repost https://vi-control.net/community/threads/dave-smith-1950-2022.125859/
  10. Hourly rate or fixed price?
  11. Let’s all click in a frenzy on bloated stuff we’ll never use! C’mon everybody!
  12. I wrote this morning and they just got back to me.
  13. Maybe joining or competing with Soundwide?
  14. They must know that you’ll buy anything..
  15. You didn’t get the upgrade yet? What are you waiting for?
  16. I checked Google translate, it means to each it’s own sandwich. So, happy meal!
  17. You’re usually not the leap of faith kind of guy. We don’t know which products will be upgraded, if it will substantial or cosmetic, etc. I’d rather wait for a similar sale when I know what I’m paying for.
  18. No, he predicted that all demos will have their 15 minutes of fame, then stop working
  19. Then seeing the price drop way cheaper, with a bonus unavailable to previous customers.
  20. Congratulations for the self-titled plugin
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