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Everything posted by Keni

  1. Yeah, I get that... But that's why I was so confused by this. I have to select the clips on the midi track, but then select the audio TRACK so that it includes it. But I've got it working now... As to the remnants? I'm thinking they are due to nodes that somehow didn't get tied to the clip. For example... Four nodes to make the movement, but the last two happen after the clip completes, so it doen't get associated?
  2. Ahhh... Now I found my solution. My Thanks to you once again Mark! My problem was that selecting both tracks (I had tried this previously) must be done after selecting the clip(s) to be moved/copied. Selecting the tracks first selects all clips on both tracks and trying to change that selection within the time frame causes only one track to remain selected. The obvious (though not to old man me) was to first select the clips, then add the additional track selection afterwards. Then it worked fine! Whew! Edit: BTW... An oddity I've found. If I select ALL tracks and execute a move, the envelopes do not move with the tracks. My workaround is to deselect the MIDI/Audio track(s) in question and move them in a separate operation. It seems that the track selection is not including the audio track automation envelopes. An easy workaround, but curious as to why this happens. It appears that the volume envelope on the audio track moves, but not the instrument-related midi controller envelope on that track. Obviously I can work around these items, but I guess it's good to make common some of this into for others to find solutions. If I move the instrument pair as a separate operation, both envelopes move together... ...a note though. After a successful move, there are remnants of some of the envelopes left behind. As there are no midi activities in those locations (in this instance) I can easily ignore them if I'm in a hurry but need to remember if more midi events are added in that location... Edit 2: And I am also finding that all envelopes are not responding correctly. When I move Farther awy into time(right) they move correctly leaving remnants. When I move earlier, they did not move all the way???
  3. Thanks Mark! Much appreciated. I think I understand. I will experiment with this info and hopefully learn! šŸ‘
  4. First, let me apologize for de-railing this thread. It was unintentional. I thought I was posting in the EA forum. I have no idea what moved me here? Either I did somethng weird or maybe a forum manager? OK... I tried it out of curiosity and as we suspected, it works as expected. Missed a node but that may have been my quickie edit... If I unfreeze, the MIDI is unchanged from it's pre-frozen stuff... So it is that the envelopes are not relating to the midi clips on the related MIDI feed.. I don't remember this dilemma before. OK... I did just find where I can do the MIDI controller on the midi track as I would any other controller (assigned to mod wheel) and I expect moving/copying would work fine there as it becomes part of the clip. The problem exists when assigning midi controllers to envelopes as the envelopes don't record from my kybd's controller there. It does on the audio track. I also just tested that Other than recording the midi event from my keyboard as midi events, I can manually create a proper envelope on the midi track. So it comes down to I can record the performance action only as midi events. I can manually create/edit the envelope on that track but it will not record as an envelope. I can easily adjust to using the midi events for the mod wheel so I can record it on the midi track but it still leaves the problem of the volume envelope on the related audio track. There is no such creature on the midi track, so how to get the envelopes on the audio track to realize that they are connected to the clips on the related midi track? This one's difficult. It means I must manually repeat every edit manually. When the track is frozen they must already be in place and I freeze after a track is complete. So how to get those volume changes to know they are related to the midi clips on the associated track is the problem...
  5. Thanks Jonesey... I thought of that too as a workaround, but I felt so sure this used to work. I havenā€™t tried it but even that gets complicated if I must repeatedly freeze/un as I shuffle things around. I'm having a bit of a bewildering day myself...
  6. A few things have come to mind. The envelopes not getting copied are on the audio track of a VST instrument. Until it is frown, there are no clipcs on it. The clips being copied are on the associated MIDI track. One envelope is a volume envelope so it's obvious to be on the audio track, but the other is an instrument specific envelope (leslie speed on b3). I cannot get it to record it on the MIDI track and must record it on the audio track... Difficult situation. Especially thinking I now may have to r-do all those changes yet again if I'm not happy with the new arrangement... <sigh>...
  7. Thanks... Yes... I mentioned so... This made my morning session painful. I had to manually re-build a number of envelopes repeatedly as my arrangement was changing...
  8. once again, the PRV Assigned Note names are not sticking. I must reset them every time I open the PRV This was somewhat recently fixed... Reversion?
  9. I just ran into this? Seems EA related as I do this often and this is the first time it's not performing as expected... I have a few virtual instruments and one audio track. I have selected the copy all track envelopes with clips When I drag a group of clips, the envelopes are not being moved with them? I will explore more...
  10. Interesting... Thanks for the confirmation, but this is the first time this has happened here. Previously, the buttons behaved as they're expected...
  11. I'm not sure this is a bug or a glitch of some kind, but I just experienced this... In PRV with the Track View open and a few tracks being displayed. If I solo a midi track it correctly solos the midi track and the audio track containing the synth being used. But the solo button in the Track View of the PRV only shows the MIDI track in solo until I allow the mouse to passover the audio track's solo button which then correctly displays the solo status. In the Regular Track View, All is well... It's only in the PRV display's Track View
  12. I haven't experienced that exactly, but I have had things get "sticky" where selections weren't occuring correctly. Foe me, a simple re-boot cured it...
  13. I havenā€™t heard of this, but to alter tempo simply draw a curve on the tempo track
  14. Thatā€™s usually the case... though sometimes additional releases fome out and other times, the version tested is the version released as in equals.
  15. Thanks... I don't know what's causing it, but it doesn't happen if I use my regular templates... So I just over-wrote the track template that had the problem with one that does not... I made that template back when I first received and began learning Superior drummer so it isn't too suprising there are some bugs there... Gone now with the over-write!
  16. I just discovered that it's (MIDI) something to do with the track template I used. I don't use this one too often, but I've never experienced this problem before. I just created a new song using my regular template and copied the midi/audio clips between. I'm not seeing the problem so far. I delete the offending clip and it's gone this time... I will explore this further... Whew! That's a relief! I'm glad it was something local here. Not sure what happened as the offending template was made from the same master template I normally use. I simply removed all but Superior drummer to be a track template just for Superior Drummer, but as I said above... Ahh... Nah, I think I'll just remove all instruments except SD from my master template and then over-write the track template that is trouble.... Let's see where that goes?
  17. Wow! Here's a zinger... I'm examining a number of different things to see if I can discover what's going on (see earlier posts regarding midi) I just enabled multiple projects to be allowed (unchecked the option to hide) and I'm now seeing the Synth rack for BOTH versions in BOTH of the song versions loaded? That's a really strange behavior... Ah... I see the system is seeing each of them floating as separate windows so tabbing through them doesn't hide non-related windows from other projects.
  18. ...just thinking ahead. This makes it unworkable for me at the moment. And no rollback. So that means I need to download an original copy from the website and re-install, yes? Must I actually delete it or can I simply re-install over it? If I must delete it, do I need to delete all the registry entries as well? <Sheesh!> Huge amount of work to get things setup again. I'll do my best to be patient a little, but as is, I cannot do any MIDI work at all as this happens with every track I've tried... Knowing it's Saturday, we rarely (ever?) get updates on a weekend so even if they magically fixed it before even acknowledging this, I'm down for the weekend. Not pretty, but I finished my new album last week as well as two albums for two client/friends so at least I'm in-between anything important...
  19. Sure... How should I share it? I've been trying many things... When I delete a note in prv it still plays. So I tried it in the event List view. Same thing. I delete an event, it continues to play. If I movethe event it plays in both locations? Now noticing most of the time, I can delete an event, but if I copy/move it I get it in both locations. If I delete the clips, I continue to hear what they contained... Now noticing that not all clips exhibit this? just to make it more juicy... I did two passes. First a kick snare performance, then high hat in a separate pass. If I delete or mute the high hat, it performs as expected, but If I mute or delete the kick/snare clip, I continue to hear the kick/snare! BTW, I'm doing this with Superior Drummer 3 using my normal default templates etc. which I use daily and have been working fine until today
  20. OK... First anomoly... Tough one. Maybe related to a few posts above? Recording MIDI data from an external kybd. I did a number of takes. All data deleted yet something continues to play there??? A previous take that is not visible? Not a matter of hidden tracks, but hidden clips? I'm also hearing notes doubled with a tiny delay, like a slap. It's as if the midi is looping and playing the output again after the first trigger? Weird!
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