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Terry Kelley

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Everything posted by Terry Kelley

  1. Older one's will slowly roll off as new ones are added assuming you add new ones. I don't think you can directly remove them. Maybe the developers or Scook can comment. You do have the ability to pin certain ones to the Startup (splash) screen by selecting the list view and clicking on pin symbol.
  2. Even at a cost, Cakewalk is competitive with all other DAWs and worth the effort to learn it.
  3. Right, I meant to type =. Oops. Render in Realtime is not checked if that is realtime bounce. I am also using Hardware Outputs (AudioBox ASIO Driver Output)
  4. Yes, it changes with the bounce buffer. I sent over two wave examples. One is with bounce = 0 and ASIO =256 (in sync) and the other is bounce = 250 and ASIO=256 (out of sync.) I'll forward that section of midi shortly. There is certainly a distinct difference in export speeds between the two. Edit: Changed -250 to =250
  5. Hi Noel, Left me see if I can pare it down and still demonstrate the issue. It's all midi using EZDrummer, Ample Guitar, Xpand!2 (several), Arturia Piano V2, True Piano and EZKeys Cinematic and Mellotron. Let me reinstall 99 and check the buffer settings. For the export buffer, I assume you mean the value in the advanced settings and not something in preferences? Terry
  6. There's nothing is EA99 that I need at this moment so I will wait for the dust to settle and stick with 058. I tried advanced too but not every combination of buffer and other settings. I would like a setting that is effectively "Just Mix Down The Whole Damn Song As It Sounds Like When It Plays" without wondering if I need some setting tweaked to accomplish what the toolbar Export does - when it works. I get that to be able to export the various buses, clips, tracks, etc. to do some pretty slick stuff requires the dialog to be rather complex. But a "Just Mix Down the Damn Song" button would be cool too in the Advanced settings unless advanced effects the tool bar export. I haven't tried that yet.
  7. I just did a rollback out of this early release. If I play a song, all tracks are in sync. When I export it to wave, some tracks are delayed by a couple of beats. Since it's fine when I play it inside Cakewalk, there isn't anything I can look at to figure out what is going on. I'll recheck it with the formal release but for now, I am back to 058.
  8. Oh sure, drag me into it as the poster boy for failure! Scook said it right - if it would work, they would feature it. Most if any don't.
  9. I tried the File/Export/Audio method and when set to what I thought was the right parameters for a total mix-down, it didn't. It created a 4kb file of nothing. I fiddled about and finally got a complete mix-down. I am not sure if I was stuck in the "random clip was select" hell but what would seem to be intuitive settings like Entire Mix didn't do it. I need to read more about this. Otherwise the early access version works.
  10. Ok, I'll get a buddy to send me the file. Thanks!
  11. Current early release and I have Sonar 8 and updates (but not to 8.5.)
  12. I accidentally overwrote a prochannel preset. Is there a way to restore/recover it (the .pcp file.) I only have Cakewalk running on one machine. I looked at the older Sonar CDs and there doesn't appear to be a specific selection for the presets. I can ask a friend to send me the file but I was curious is its available on the installation somehow. Any insight appreciated?
  13. I think because it could constantly vary. At the beginning of projects I often don't notice it but I know it will build up. I did suggest a switch to automatically defeat FX and PDC during record (so I don't forget) but it wasn't accepted.
  14. Well, you've posted it in the feature request forum so let's see what the developers say about it. They seriously entertain useful features and improvements.
  15. At some point the faders need to be faders and not amplitude modulation at a fast rate. But you are certainly free to want them to act in a specific way. Noel's point about processing load is valid (in my opinion) and vibrato should be left to a plugin. There are just better and more accurate ways to add vibrato to a track. Drawing it on the volume automation appears to me to be a rather tedious method. Have you tried Reaper or Pro Tools? They might better facilitate your wants.
  16. Wave function - good idea. II need to remember that!
  17. Any controller/patch changes in the events? Is there a patch change in the track that is overriding the patch you are manually setting in the plugin window?
  18. You are trying to get vibrato using a fader that can't move fast enough. Imagine a fader on a mixing board and trying to move it fast enough for vibrato. It's not the right solution for your needs. Add a vibrato plugin in the FX bin then automate the dry/wet where you need it. I think you've been successful in the past but you've run into the limits of what you can do with a fader.
  19. Are the velocities really low values like you very lightly pressed the keys? At low velocities the sound can change dramatically. Highlight the clip, right click and select View Events. Look at the velocity values in the 5th column from the left (I think.)
  20. So it's like it's in Comp mode while you are just editing/appending one lane (the main lane.) Do you know when it creates a new lane?
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