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Terry Kelley

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Everything posted by Terry Kelley

  1. I just bought the basic Melodyne and one time it created a blank region. I need to play with pre-bouncing and gain to see if that matters (a la Please Work V-Vocal.)
  2. Send any examples you can to Noel. V-Vocal isn't supported anymore but it might help determine if something else is happening especially with clip bouncing or if the issue is really is with Melodyne. I know there are many suggestions going back 10 years on how to make V-Vocal work reliably but in reality it's dependent on your project and how memory is being used. The simpler the project, the less likely it is that V-Vocal will crash but as you build it up it will eventually go south. Try everyone's suggestions - one might work. Melodyne has been known for being very stable but maybe it's now running into similar issues. The developers need example projects to fix it.
  3. I'm seeing this with V-Vocal and clip bouncing too. I wonder if it's related. I sent a problem project to Noel.
  4. I think pitchforks and torches are bit over the top in this instance.
  5. Check your PMs. I am no sure what the forum's policy is on product placements. Don't expect much more than 20ft of range though depending on your walls.
  6. John's point is important but as far as transmitters what doesn't look promising? I've bought three different transmitters and they all work. Charge, input music, connect, listen. It is challenging to connect with devices that don't have a display so you know what you are connecting to. None that I have use a PIN though. I use one to listen to the output of Cakewalk via my headphone jack when I am doing other things. Works fine. I would never attempt to record with it unless I planned on doing a lot of time sliding. The delay is at least 50ms
  7. That's something I noticed about the Casio - the huge about of data it dumps out when you are playing.
  8. Latency Monitor never showed any issue even when the noise/glitching was happening. But certainly, if it's complaining, fix it.
  9. Watch for Casio MG-500/510 Midi Guitars. I have one and it tracks pretty dang well.
  10. Glad you posted this! I had been periodically having glitch/stutter issues using certain plugins like MUnison and MHarmonizerMB. Things would be fine and then go south and back to fine. I was going through Preferences looking for something else one day and noticed Read Cache was enabled. I don't recall setting it but I might have in frustration trying to fix a problem. So I disabled it. I haven't had an issue since. I read the manual and some comments from people about why it happens but never found a satisfying answer. I don't know if cache was taking too long to fetch, fetching the wrong stuff and having to flush or what ...
  11. One of the developers commented sometime back that the ASIO settings aren't always available to Cakewalk to allow you to set via Preferences/ASIO Settings. I can change my M-audio interface via Preferences but not the Presonus - I have to run the external program. So the "ease" of getting to the settings will vary depending on the interface.
  12. That's what I would suggest. Transpose and check the Transpose Audio box. Raise it 1.
  13. Thanks Noel, Looking at the dates for the versions, the first project version was on 11/05/21 and I added the side-chain on 11/08/21. I follow the EA's closely and I show I got EA 27.11.0. .034 on 11/1/21. I was definitely on an EA when I started. I am guessing .034 since I usually install the latest EA when it comes out. Any way you can tell me where this solo in the side-chain is? I'm looking at the project and I have the bass side-chained to the bass drum but nothing shows any soloing. Maybe that's what you mean by "internal" - I can't access it. I'm not sure I know enough to recreate it at this point. Since it works in 2021.11.018 I'm not sure what to try. But hey, I'll try anything once. I might just need to chalk it up to a fluctuation in the aether. Terry
  14. Each note is 5.9463063094359295% (12th root of 2) above the last. That will give you a rough speedup percent.
  15. I don't need it, I was just commenting that losing the title bar isn't only something you can do in Cakewalk. But thanks!
  16. Isn't there a setting in Windows that hides the app title bar?
  17. That's why I don't report every single issue. I might toss out some observation (hey, anybody else notice this?) but just because it went goofy on me doesn't mean it's definitely Cakewalk. I just close the program, reboot or maybe change a setting and see what happens. More often than not the issue goes away or disappears until what ever combinations of things I did make it reappear. If I can narrow it down, then I might bring it up directly with the developers. Sometimes I actually find something but more often - I haven't. Real bugs will generally be reported by people with a diverse set of hardware/OS. At that point the developers jump on it.
  18. Cakewalk can't accommodate every mood our computers get into. Sometimes a reboot is just needed and you move on.
  19. Yeah! And thanks for pointing out I'm an idiot! I read the manual and never saw it but maybe it pays to browse the shortcuts and see if one describes what I am looking for - first. Where's Bdickens when I need him ...
  20. I dunno but 2021.11 appears to be doing some weird stuff. They'll sort it out. I do get that a DAW is expected to deal with a lot of HW uncertainty. They can't account for every config we throw at it.
  21. While I will whisper it's name (V-Vocal), 2021.11 is creating blank regions like bouncing the clip does. So does Vocal Sync.
  22. Hi Noel, I sent you a link in an IM to a problem file. I notice two things: It will only play in older versions if you solo tracks and bouncing a clip gives an empty clip. This file was created with 2021.11 (015 and 018) Terry
  23. Hi Noel, Yes, I sent him a bundle, he opened it and it wouldn't show any meter activity on any track that wasn't solo'd. At first we thought it might be some hidden track (as suggested here) or something with the master buss. He toggled the global solo button several times. He also rebooted a couple of times. After messing for around 30 minutes I told him to update since I knew he was behind a bit on updates. Bang, it worked. He was on the 2011.06 version. I'll pull up the trouble version.
  24. Maybe it's the wording but the issue isn't solo'd projects it's that you can't play them without soloing the tracks. Still, I'll take the improvements of 11(015). Terry
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