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Everything posted by locrian

  1. I've tried reading in both .ncw and .nkx files and neither worked. What type worked for you?
  2. This little 'gem' EQ is now a permanent resident of my master bus.
  3. I just added it to my cart, checked-out, and was able to download it w/o any problems.
  4. On Windows 10 you can find the samples log in C:\Users\[your name]\AppData\Local\Waves Audio\Logs . It's a CSV-file; the name is comprised of a long number prefix and "_Samples and Loops.csv" . I'm not sure if Cosmos is actually using this file or if it serves another purpose. I guess I could delete it and see what happens...
  5. And they called it WUPpy love ... 😀
  6. True, but not everyone actually buys their plugins. And this seems particularly true for Waves.
  7. Gee, I was really trying to be positive (given my somber inclination towards SB). Sadly, I agree on all counts.
  8. Exactly. That was the motivation for my post above. Waves is fairly aggressive with their pricing which makes me wonder how much longer they can last. When there's this much competition, that 'race-to-the bottom' pricing someone mentioned above drives companies out of business. I wouldn't be surprised to see some serious consolidation where the big 'fish' eat the small ones. It seems inevitable at this point (unless selling plugins is much more profitable then I think). Maybe now's a good time to download and back-up all your serial numbers...
  9. Oops, I think you mispoke there. 😉 Sadly this^ is the strategy I now use to greet new Cubase releases. Then again, maybe we'll be pleasantly surprised this time given that SB had more time to work on it.
  10. Agreed. I suspect Matthias Quellmann would not have said anything publicly if it were not very close. Folks are already chomping at the bit over on the Cubase forum and stirring the pot (excuse the mixed metaphores) will only make things worse.
  11. If true, I wonder if it was the intense competition among music software companies that drove them out of business. I'm definitely not a business guy, but have to wonder if this situation bodes ill for the remaining companies. How much cheaper can they sell their plugins and still stay solvent?
  12. Which we now know will be released on a Wednesday:
  13. Great plugin *and* a simple one-click download.
  14. What I find useful about Cosmos is the way it organizes my samples. When I use MediaBay I have to rely on my (modest) memory to know which sample library folder to look in, and this involves several iterations before I find the sample I want. Cosmos obviates that search process by allowing me to do a 'meta' search across all libraries at once. YMMV.
  15. SATV is an analogue modeled saturation plugin that can add harmonic depth and richness to any track. Equally suited to individual instruments or multi-track drum kits, SATV allows you to effortlessly enhance or boost the harmonic content and dynamics of your whole mix. Use voucher code "SATV-2999" during checkout to reduce price to $29.99 (or use your monthly voucher w/o the SATV code to get it for $14.99). https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/x-mellowmuse-sat-v.html
  16. locrian

    Waves free plugin

    Sample tagging used to exist but was removed?
  17. locrian

    Waves free plugin

    This is news to me too. Zo?
  18. I finished watching the video and learned a few new tricks that will certainly make using this plugin much easier. Particularly useful is the ability to: export songs and the user dictionary incorporate specific phonemes (via chevrons) save alternative pronunciations Thanks again, Reid!
  19. Gee, 1:03 into the video and I already learned something: I never noticed the play button that allows you to preview your vocal. I've been auditioning by soloing the Emvoice track and playing my entire project. Apparently I have a lot to learn ... off to school now. Thanks, Reid
  20. Just discovered Cosmos requires us to sign in to our Waves account. I don't like that.
  21. A *very* useful plugin! Much better than the one built into Cubase. Couldn't help but notice that it looks a lot like the one in XLN's XO.
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