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Everything posted by locrian

  1. Same here. The CPU load on most of their plugins has increased significantly over the last few years. And my usage of these plugins has decreased significantly as a result.
  2. https://www.mensla.ca/ms-2
  3. https://audiologie.us/products/synthesizer-v-jun-voice-database-english-digital-download ※ This is a pre-order item with a release date in late April 2023. ※ Digital activation codes will be delivered via email on product release.
  4. https://coolwav.com/b/XTQ4v All 47 Free Cool WAV products released from 2021-2022 are now included in one Bundle! Products Included: - 1984 Vol. 1 [Softube Model 84 Presets] - Analog 808's Vol. 1 [808 BD samples] - Antarctica Vol. 1 [Karanyi Minipol] - Asperations Vol. 1 [zOnesk Asper] - Colorful Vol. 1 [Arturia Pigments + Analog Lab] - Cool Loops Vol. 1 [Melodic Loops + Midi] - Cool Loops Vol. 2 [Melodic Loops + Midi] - Deelay Replay Vol. 1 [Sixth Sample Deelay ] - Digital Contact Vol. 1 [DCO-106] - DRUM8 VST3/AU [Windows and macOS] - FireFly Vol. 1 [LowFire] - FL Studio 21 Theme Pack Vol. 1 - Full Circle Vol. 1 [FAW Circle2 ] - Good Vybz Vol. 1 [Thenatan Vybz ] - Mini Unlimited Vol. 1 [Cherry Audio Miniverse] - New Flavors Vol. 1 [AIR Flavor Pro] - New Phase Vol. 1 [KiloHearts Phase Plant] - New-Fi Vol. 1 [Waves Retro Fi] - Noise Complaints Volume 1 [TAL Noisemaker] - OB-V1 [DiscoDSP OB-XD] - Odin Bank 1 [Odin 2] - Originals [Cymatics Origin] - Obercool Vol. 1 [BX Oberhausen] - OuterSpace Vibes Vol. [Supermassive] - Patch Invader Vol. 1 [E-Phonic Invader 2] - Power Surge Vol. 1 [Surge XT] - Power Surge Vol. 2 [Surge XT] - Power Surge Vol. 3 [Surge XT] - Power Surge Vol. 4 [Surge XT] - Retro 1 [RC-20 Presets] - Rose Thorns Vol. 1 [DS Thorn Presets] - Simple Console v1.1 Plugin [Windows only] - Simple Saturation v1.1 Plugin [Windows only] - Snap Hearts Vol. 1 [KiloHearts Snapheap] - Space Portals Vol. 1 [Output Portal] - Star Glow Vol. 1 [Stardust 201] - String Theory [Vinyl Guitar] - Super GR-8 Vol. 1 [Phuturetone GR-8] - TallVerb Vol. 1 [TAL Reverb 4] - Tape Magic Vol. 1 [Thenatan Tape FX] - Truth Serum Vol. 1 [Xfer Serum] - V-Verb Vol. 1 [VintageVerb] - Vintage Lab Vol. 1 [Analog Lab] - Virtual Fun Vol. 1 [PG-8X Presets] - Vitality Vol. 1 [Vital Presets] - Vitality Vol. 3 [Vital Presets] - Vitality Vol. 5 [Vital Presets] - You will get a ZIP (2GB) file
  5. It's a bit strange to quote yourself on your webpage...
  6. Thanks for posting. While downloading the presets you mentioned above, I discovered others that I didn't know about. Currently I use Soundtoys' plugins only to load factory presets. The GUIs are so small that I don't even bother to tweak them . I really wish they'd give us resizable GUIs!
  7. Agreed! I've been waiting for a voicebank like this one. I think it'll work well with Solaria.
  8. I just emailed them yesterday about being able to specify a VST3 folder of my choice and they responded in about an hour and solved my problem. So whatever the reason is for hiring it doesn't seem to be effecting their tech/customer support. They're still a great company!
  9. https://www.pluginboutique.com/articles/1897-Claim-your-FREE-copy-of-Cableguys-TimeShaper-3?a_aid=5241029371df5 https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2023/02/02/cableguys-timeshaper-free/
  10. https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2023/01/30/surge-xt-vcv/ https://library.vcvrack.com/?brand=Surge XT
  11. https://www.morbidelectronics.com/store-2/p/ring-of-saturn-windows https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2023/01/26/morbid-electronics/
  12. https://www.beatacademy.com/orbit-download https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2023/01/23/orbit-beat-academy/
  13. https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2023/01/18/scratchpad-patent-sounds/ https://www.dixonbeats.com/pages/patent-sounds-scratchpad-free-plugin
  14. Scaler has just been updated to version 2.7.2. I wasn't sure if I should have started a new thread, or posted to this one. Thoughts?
  15. It's free again (with coupon code HAPPY-HALODAYS)... https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2023/01/04/halo-lite/ https://dhplugins.com/product/halo-lite/ Edit: I tried the code, but it doesn't work.
  16. Mine is $10 but unfortunately will expire before their annual spring sale.
  17. https://github.com/Mrugalla/ADSR https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2022/12/27/midi-adsr/
  18. https://www.pianobook.co.uk/packs/epic-guitar/
  19. Did we all get the Indie Melodica?
  20. I bought the instrument based on what I heard in the demo video and b/c I was (and still am) looking for good solo woodwinds. While playing through most of the patches I realized it was lifeless. And this is particularly true given that this single instrument now consumes 23.6GB of space on my SSD! Frankly I've lost faith in Troels and Soundpaint at this point. I greatly admire his passion and vision but, based on what I'm hearing when playing the instruments I own, I'm not sold. I haven't completely written Soundpaint off, but I'll not buy anything else for quite a while. Bottom line, the sounds just don't live up to the hype. BTW, if you peruse this thread, you'll see that there are others not completely enamored with the platform. Cheers...
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